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"Babe you gotta take care of your body"

Itsalexactually: Happy Birthday to the loml 🖤 I seriously don't know what I would do without you always being there for me ✨ [tagged: @tomholland2013]18,378,948 Likes   1,848,399 Comments

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Itsalexactually: Happy Birthday to the loml 🖤 I seriously don't know what I would do without you always being there for me ✨
[tagged: @tomholland2013]
18,378,948 Likes   1,848,399 Comments

⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️
Cutting, Fat Shaming, & Blood

Alex's POV
"I'm surprised you kept your comments open" I looked over at Zendaya and she gave me a small smile "how are you? I've seen that you've been getting attacked left and right" I looked down and deleted Instagram before putting my phone away "yeah but I'm ok, I've been talking to my therapist and Tom is very helpful" Zendaya wrapped her arms around me pulling me into a tight hug.

"I love you Alex, and you're perfect those people don't know you" I smiled against her chest "Z I'm not wearing my heels so you hugging me is only making me sad" she laughed and let me go "you're my favorite short person" I stuck my tongue out at her and then walked away.

"Alright let me see the cake!" "Alex you've seen it four times already" Harrison groaned "ok I just need to make sure everything is perfect" "it is you've done a great job love" I smiled and looked down at the computer to see Tom's family smiling at me. "Right thanks, I just need to calm down".

I took a deep breath trying to relax when there was a knock on the door. "AHHH! He's here!" Everyone looked at me like I was crazy "Alex I think wearing your mask almost everywhere is finally messing with your brain" I rolled me eyes "fuck you Jacob" I walked to the front door and opened it. "Happy Birthday!" Tom smiled at me and I kissed him.

"Alex you did all this" I smiled at him "yeah well I had some help" Tom walked in the house and said hi to everyone before talking to his family for a little while. "Ally thanks for this really" I kissed him on his lips and smiled "well I figured since it was just us and our fur babies last year you deserved a party" he kissed me on my lips again before going to talk to everyone else.

My phone buzzed and I took it out to see if I got a text or something. It was a new article about me, ok Alex what did your therapist say? Don't engage, don't engage! Damn you Alexia! I opened the article and read the headline. It couldn't hurt to only read the headline!

Alexia Valentino Body Shamed on Twitter: Called 'Fat' After Recent Pic Reveals Weight Gain

My heart sank and I looked around. When I found Tom I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder "what's up Ally?" He had the biggest smile in his face there was no way I could tell him. "Umm I'm just gonna go to the bathroom" he gave me a weird look "umm ok, did you want me to come with you or...?" I forced myself to laugh "no I just didn't want you to go crazy looking for me" he smiled and kissed my cheek "thanks for this Ally, you're amazing".

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