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"Where you been?"

Alex's POV
Sabrina and I were in my master bathroom finishing getting ready. She pulled on her dress and smiled at me "how do I look" she did a little spin and I giggled "you look beautiful" she grabbed her phone which was currently playing Work by Rihanna.

We took a few pictures and then I looked at myself with my little baby bump. This is the first time I was wearing a "tight" outfit since my belly grew. My arms got bigger, I gained about 45 pounds and I was terrified of going outside like this. Sabrina started recording me and I gave her a little smile and she laughed.

She posted it and tagged me "hey are you ok?" I looked over at her and gave her a small smile "I think it might be prepratum depression" she nodded understandingly "perhaps some food will make you feel good?" I laughed softly and Sabrina hugged me.

She smelled like vanilla and sugar and her hug was very lovingly I don't know why but in this moment she reminded me of my mom. I started crying and Sabrina consoled me "Alex what's wrong?" I sniffled "I dunno I just... I've never had a mom, what if I'm not a good mom? What if I screw up my kid like I screw up everyone else!" She shook her head no and held me.

"Listen to me! Alex you're an amazing person it's not your fault and besides you and Tom will be amazing parents I know it!" Sabrina wiped my tears and kissed my cheek "this was a sign that you shouldn't wear makeup tonight" I laughed and she helped clean me up.

Sabrina and I walked down the stairs to see Harry and Tom watching Princess and the Frog "we're ready" they looked up and smiled "you look beautiful" they said in union to which Sabrina and I smiled at. "Alright let's go" Harry put Sabrina on his back and Tom picked me up bridal style "hey what are— "we figured the two of you could use a break" I rolled my eyes and Tom walked us out.

I locked the door and Tom put me in the car next to Sabrina. When Tom got in Harry drove off. "Where are we going?" "To a restaurant" Sabrina gave me a look and I laughed.

We were bobbing our heads to the radio nonchalantly and I hoped that one of our songs came on soon. Almost as if I had wished it Harry's new song As It Was came on and me and Sabrina started singing along.

Harry's cheeks got a tinge red and Tom started singing to Harry. Sabrina and I laughed really hard my tummy started hurting. I took a deep sharp breath and then continued on. "You ok?" I nodded at Tom "just a contraction" he smiled.

We arrived at Bestia which is an Italian restaurant but Tom and I never went because I just generally cooked for us. Our partners grabbed us out of the car and I smiled at Tom. "Look at you being all romantic and shit" he laughed and spun me a around a little.

We walked into the restaurant and I smiled it was fancy fancy but it was not fancy... I dunno. The hostess gave us our seats furthest from everyone else and she walked away. I sat next to Tom and Harry sat across from us with Sabrina at his side. "This is nice isn't it" Harry said happily and Tom responded "couldn't agree more mate".

I looked between the two of them and rolled my eyes "you two are like extremely British" Sabrina laughed and I winked at her. Tom laid his head on my shoulder and kissed my neck "you smell really nice" I shuddered feeling his warm breath on my neck. "Th—th—thanks" he laughed and leaned away.

"Hi I'm Lori and I'll be your server tonight" we looked up at her and when we met gazes her entire mood shifted. Her eyes grew wide, mouth flew open and she screamed. I flinched and immediately she fell to her knees at me side "oh my god oh my god! You're Alexia Valentino! I've literally been obsessed with you since Swindle! I literally love you" I smiled at her "aww I love you too" just then another server came out and dragged Lori away.

Harry laughed and I kicked his shin "first off ow" I gave him a small smile and Tom grabbed my hand "how's Don't Worry Darling going?" Tom asked Harry "well it's going good it's just..." Harry looked over at Sabrina and sighed "it's just I'm pretty sure our director Olivia Wilde has like a crush on me or something" even though Sabrina never looked up from her menu I knew she was seething about this Olivia girl.

"Olivia Wilde? Who is she?" "Look her up isn't that why we have the net?" Tom said and I narrowed my eyes "you are about two seconds away from sleeping on the floor, the hospital floor" I grabbed Tom's phone which was laying in the table and looked Olivia Wilde up.

"Hmm" Sabrina is a thousand times better and not just in looks but clothing and personality as well. "Harold if you leave Sabrina for that I'll beat your ass" Sabrina gave me a thankful smile and I nodded at her. Finally a server came back and took our drink order.

I took a sip of my water while they all drank a shark bowl which was just a blue raspberry alcoholic drink. "Either I just pissed myself if my water broke" the table jumped and I saw Tom was frozen "that definitely isn't pee" "oh shit oh shit oh shit" Tom helped me out of the booth and picked me up.

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