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"Make me fall where I stand, only like you can"

Alex's POV
"Alright seven letter word with black in their superhero name" I chuckled "Natasha" Paddy nodded before writing it down his head in my lap. "Paddy get up we wanna talk" Nikki said walking in the living room with Dom and Tom on her heels. Paddy groaned but sat up "you'll help me after right?" I smiled and nodded "you got it" Paddy smiled back at me before putting the marvel crossword puzzle under the couch.

"Ok so Tom and Alex we need to discuss the living situation" Tom came over to me and sat on my right grabbing my hand. "Well I don't mind moving here if that's what you mean. As far as I know Multiverse of Madness was the last project I'm supposed to be in and all my movies that are coming out have already done been filmed awhile ago. Besides it's not like I have anything in LA holding me" I looked over at Tom and he sighed.

"What's wrong Tommy?" "Well it's just... I love England but umm I also love Alex and I's Montecito home" I furrowed my brows at Tom "and we paid a lot of money for it" "Tom it's ok! I move around a lot and I always spend way to much on my houses. If you wanna leave here we can" Nikki sighed "I don't want to pressure you guys or anything I just want to see my grand baby!" I smiled.

"I can't believe I'm going to be an Uncle! Way cool" Paddy stood up and walked away "can you get me water" he didn't answer but returned with a cold bottle. "Also Alex isn't growing..." Tom looked at me and I narrowed my eyes at him "no I meant your stomach not your height" "yeah sure" "ugh anyways we have a doctor we trust so at least for the time being we want to stay in LA, but you guys can come visit whenever and when the baby is big enough we'll bring them here anytime".

Dom nodded and then Nikki smiled her eyes filling up "oh my baby is all grown up! You're so in charge" Tom stood up and hugged her "don't cry mom" I smiled at them but I couldn't help but feel slightly jealous. My parents were hardly ever there for me and when I had problems my mom would just throw money at it. I want to do better for our kid, I never no matter how much I work want my child to think I don't love them.

Tom talked to his parents a little more about our living situation before rejoining me on the couch. "Alright we're gonna go pick up the pizzas" Nikki bent down and hugged me "we love you Alex" I smiled and Dom squeezed my hand. When they were finally I laid in Tom's lap. "So wanna tell me the real reason you don't wanna live here?" I felt tom grab the ends of my ponytail "are you playing with my hair?" He don't answer he just ran his fingers over my scalp very delicately and I shivered.

I don't let people touch my hair like at all but I couldn't possibly move away from him. He grabbed my ponytail and before I knew it I felt my hair fall before his hands gently messaged my head. "Wait" I pulled away from him and sat up "did you just hypnotize me into not talking?" He smiled "depends, did it work?" I rolled my eyes "Tom what's going on?" He sighed "I want us to be independent. If we move out here then my mom is going to drive us crazy with all her 'parent knowledge' and I want us to do this together".

I smiled and laid back on his lap "run your hands through my hair again please" he laughed but continued and I grabbed my phone out turning on Full House.

I smiled and laid back on his lap "run your hands through my hair again please" he laughed but continued and I grabbed my phone out turning on Full House

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Itslexiactually: Alex is everywhere but Instagram right now 😔
15,037 Likes 103 Comments

user: so she is in London rn?!!!

user: what's up with all the waist up pictures lately?! I wanna see her full outfits 😭

user: where did you get this?
itslexiactually: Harry's story

user: she's gorgeous

user: I love her Sm

A/N: To run your hands through my hair
Baby, 'cause that's why it's there
Come run your hands through my hair
Ooh, baby, so don't you be scared
So come run your hands through my hair

Anyways did u guess right or close? Also the song in the beginning is from Sabrina but it sounds like a Ariana lyric right?

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