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"Please don't be too good to be true"

Alex's POV
I parked my car in the In & Out parking lot and sighed to myself waiting for Tom. I felt nervous and excited all at the same time. I heard a knock at my window and I jumped looking over to the passenger side to see Tom waiting. I gave him a small smile and put my mask on before unlocking the door.

He settled in and we both stayed silent. I wasn't sure why he wanted to meet but if it was just to sit in awkward silence he should have reevaluated this. "So..." Tom looked over at me and because of the mask I couldn't tell what facial expression he had.

"Sabrina broke up with me" my eyebrows raised and I was shocked "because of you" I wasn't sure how to feel about this. Tom was here with me and single but I'm the reason he's relationship failed. "Are you gonna say something?" I looked over at Tom and stared straight into his deep brown eyes.

"I love you Tom, I always have" he grabbed my hand and I heard him chuckle to himself "I should have fought for you Alex" I intertwined our fingers and kept my eyes on our hands "no it was my fault. You helped me so much with the bombing and with Mac's death you were so good about everything and I dunno I'm not used to being taken care of like that".

I paused and then started playing with his fingers "I've been going to therapy and talking about my problems and if you would like to I would love to give us another chance" I was scared to look up and I could practically hear my heart beating in my ears.

Tom removed his hands from my fingers and pulled my face up so we were looking one another in the eyes "nothing would make me happier than to be with you again" I smiled and a little laugh escaped my lips. "Have you taken a covid test?" We met eyes "yeah I took one two days ago I'm negative why?" Tom removed his hands from my face and pulled my mask down.

"I was asking because I wanted to do this" he pulled his mask down and then we were kissing. I can't really describe the feeling but it was almost as if fireworks were exploding and everything was magic. This felt right we weren't each other's right person wrong time we just needed to find out who we were without one another before being together.

I pulled away and we leaned our foreheads against each other's and I had a big dopey smile on my face "I missed you Tommy" he laughed "I missed you more Ally". I leaned over and we kissed again.

Itsalexactually: Wear a mask ✨[tagged: @tomholland2013]6,937,729 Likes   1,937,739 Comments

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Itsalexactually: Wear a mask ✨
[tagged: @tomholland2013]
6,937,729 Likes   1,937,739 Comments

user: IM SORRY WHAT?!!!

user: is that is that TOM!

user: I need an explanation and I need it now

user: at least they masked

user: are they... why are they hanging out?

user: corona is really making everyone crazy

user: are we all seeing tom or am I imagining things again?

user: Tomlex? 🥺

harleynotquinn: umm what?! Details I need details NOW! (Liked by itsalexactually)

zendaya: ALEXIA & THOMAS WHAT IS THIS? (liked by itsalexactually & tomholland2013)

user: Alex always responds but she's not responding now... what is going on?

user: Idk if this is real or not but idc anymore

user: I missed you guys sm

user: all the Tomlex post are back up on their pages 🥺 guys I think we're getting Tomlex back

user: so did everyone forget about Sabrina?user: yeah what happened to Tombrina?

user: best thing to happen in 2020

user: favorite couple

Itsalexactually followed @tomholland2013
Tomholland2013 followed @itsalexactually

A/N: so did I do good? Ik it's a little rushed but I figured I put you all through enough torture so why not give you something happy 💜

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