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"My love'll have you fall to your knees"

Alex's POV
I was lying in Tom's arms texting Harley when my stomach started churning again. I yanked the covers off of us and ran to the bathroom slipping on the water but I made it to the toilet. I started throwing up basically everything I had eaten yesterday and Tom walked in grabbing my hair.

"Ally maybe we should go to the hospital, this has been going on for way to long" I sighed and he held me "my breath smells like throw up" he laughed and kissed my forehead "remember you gotta wait 30 minutes and then you can brush your teeth" I nodded against his chest and he laid me on the cold bathroom floor.

"Does that feel good?" "Yes I never want to leave" I heard him laugh and then he turned the light off "I'll be right back" I heard him walking away and I waited for him to return but he didn't. I got up slowly and went to the bed grabbing my phone.

I FaceTimed Harley and she answered almost immediately "why did you stop texting me?" "I'm sorry I threw up again" she sighed "Alex have you ever considered the alternative... you know that you might be pregnant" I sighed heavily "I don't want to think about that. I can barely take care of myself let alone another human being" she frowned at me and I looked away.

"Alex I've seen you with kids before, you'd be an amazing mom and don't get me started on Tom" I smiled at the thought of Tom playing with our child. "You know what I probably just have the flu again" "yeah ok, hold up Tom is calling me" I nodded at her but slightly confused as to why Tom would be calling Harley.


"Ally!" I rolled out of bed and walked downstairs "where were you?" He gave me a small smile "I went to the store because I wanted to get you snacks" I smiled at him "aww you're so sweet" "and then I called Harley and got you this" he held out a pink little box "and you're not so sweet" I went to walk back up the stairs but he pulled me close to him.

"Come on Ally at least let's rule this out" I shook my head no against his chest "Tom were not even married" he held my hand and squeezed "we will be" I sighed heavily "ok fine! I'll do it just to let you and Harley know that you're wrong" I went to the downstairs bathroom and Tom followed me.

"Hold it lover boy" he stopped and I gave him a look "you do know how babies are made?" I rolled my eyes at him and allowed him to follow me in. "So I just pee on the stick?" "I don't know I'm not a girl" "yeah well I've never been pregnant before" he grabbed the box and read it "oh wait" we stared at each other and laughed "right give it to me" he handed my the box and I read it.

"I do pee" he nodded and watched me "turn around you freak" "there's a mirror right behind me" but he looked up and I peed on the stick. "Set a timer for 3 minutes" he nodded and I went to wash my hands before walking out the bathroom leaving the stick behind. "Want a drumstick?" "Yes of course" I got him the chocolate one and me the caramel one.

"So... what if and I'm not saying you are but what if you're pregnant" I bit the chocolate coating off the ice cream before answering him "well do you want to be a parent? I mean are you really ready for that Tom?" He licked at his ice cream before responding "I don't know, we're still young but it's your body so whatever you do I'm with you 100%".

I licked my ice cream and thought about it, if I said no then I'd have to get an abortion the timer went off scaring me and we both walked into the bathroom our ice cream long forgotten. I picked up the stick and saw two lines. I gave the stick to Tom and my eyes pricked "Alex?" I started crying and he held me "Ally it's going to be ok, we're going to be ok" I smiled at him and he kissed my head "I think I want to keep it" he nodded "then I'll support you".

I lifted my shirt up and looked at the mirror "you're mommy and daddy love you already" Tom bent down and kissed my belly slightly tickling me so I flinched "Tommy you know I'm ticklish" "let's get married" I raised my eyebrows "Tom were engaged remember" we walked out the bathroom to see all 11 of our dogs eating the melted ice cream off the floor.

"We can get married right here at Montecito I smiled" "when?" "Before Christmas" I followed Tom around as he explained our wedding to me "Christmas is our favorite holiday and winter is your favorite season so it's perfect" I smiled at him "hmm engaged on Christmas and married before Christmas. Let's do it!" He picked me up and spun me around "Alexia I promise to love you forever" "I guess this means we should tell our friends so they can get here fast enough" he nodded and kissed me.

"Alexia Holland" he smiled at me and I shrugged "I like your last name" Tom walked over to our dogs and started tickling them "guys I'm getting married!" I laughed and pulled out my phone to call out family and friends well Tom's family.

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Itsalexactually: Hope y'all are ok 🖤8,298,758 Likes   474,948 Comments

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Itsalexactually: Hope y'all are ok 🖤
8,298,758 Likes   474,948 Comments

user: ALEX!

user: we missed u

user: hmm baby photos

user: baby Holland?!!!

user: is there a reason you posted the baby photos or do u just like them?

harleynotquinn: 🤧🤧🤧 (liked by itsalexactually & tomholland2013)

zendaya: 🥺❄️❄️ (liked by itsalexactually & tomholland2013)

user: I love you alex!

robertdowneyjr: ❤️ (liked by itsalexactually & tomholland2013)

iamsebastianstan: I hate you guys sm 🤧 you're so cute (liked by itsalexactually & bc a tomholland2013)

anthonymackie: much love to you Alex, don't forget Tom's juice boxes (liked by itsalexactually & tomholland2013)

user: hmm I'm a little suspicious

elizabetholsen: ✨✨ (liked by itsalexactually & tomholland2013)

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