Maybe it could be something

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Kayla POV..
I had just woke up. I was knocked out my mom was off work so she let me sleep. She cooked breakfast and had already got Karson together. I checked my phone I had a few notifications.
6 missed calls
4 text messages
Noelle had called me 6 times. I immediately called her back what's up boo? You good ?
She sounded groggy " Yes I'm good bitch".

Well if you good wtf you call me 6 times for hoe had me worried nshit. She yawned "Bitch I was drunk lol Darrell got me drunk Asf and nailed me to the cross".

Ummmm yuck hoe!! So I'm assuming that was you that 4 times. Shit it probably was me Noelle said I don't even remember. I looked at my phone

Noelle: I love you Kayla!

Noelle: I miss you bitch

Noelle: Goodnight Kay! I love you.

James: what's up Kay! I hope you have a good day!

Why the fuck was that damn bozo still hitting me up?

Anyway bitch guess what ? WHAT!? Noelle said. Remember that new guy from my job I told you about ? Oh yeah I definitely remember she laughed you kept saying he was mean mugging nshit?

Yup him girl we spoke last night I asked him for a lighter I done walked up to the man and called him by his name bitch hahahahaha. He asked me how I knew his name I told him our co worker told me. He seems cool he's chill I guess.

Okayyyyy dennnnnn bitch sounds like you made a friend Noelle said. Yeah I guess I did Noe. Well I'm bout to brush my teeth and wash my face & see what Karson and my mom doing I'll call you in a few hoe love you.
love you too Kay Noelle said.

I felt good I had finally got some rest soon as I walked out my room Karson was running up to me " good morning mommy" she said.

Good morning stinky butt I picked her up my sweet baby was eating a apple sauce pouch. Let mommy brush her teeth and stuff and I'll be in the living room in a second. I placed her on the floor she & spoke too my mom who was sitting in the living. Good morning ma! I said.

Good morning Kay how you feeling ? I feel great I got some rest. Thanks to you. She winked at me.

I was beyond thankful. My mom was the best mom and grandmother she meant the world to me.

I brushed my teeth & washed my face. I probably was going to chill in the house til work tonight. I wasn't trying to do too much. My mom was home and we would probably watch movies all day.

I came out the bathroom my mom had put my plate in the microwave. She made grits, cornbeef hash and toast. I warmed it for about 40 seconds stepped outside to hit my clip. One thing about me I was gone smoke my weed.

I came back in and sat in the living room with my plate. My mom was watching SWAT we loved watching shit like that. Karson was playing with her toys.

My mom came out and asked " Has dumb ass been trying to hit you up?" She was referring too James she hated him. She kept telling me he rubbed her wrong but I didn't wanna listen.

Yeah he hit me up his wack self I haven't been responding though I been ignoring his text and calls. Let's the change the subject for a second ma! It's a new boy who work with me and honey he was fine.

My mom bust out laughing oh lord Kay here your ass go. Don't move to fast please.

I'm not ma fr we haven't even exchanged numbers. He just seems laidback & cool.

Well there is nothing wrong with making a friend but you make sure you know what you getting yourself into don't rush anything and stay focused on the right things my mother said.

I felt that deep in my soul because I really went through hell with James.

My mind flashback to when we lived together & one day I was in the extra room and I found a girls panties stuffed behind a speaker.

I was crushed, of course I spoke on it and he lied about it.

Nobody really knows how bad that situation with James was that shit ate me up so bad to the point I wish I never met him. Had me questioning god like how could he create someone so evil and nonchalant?

I had to realize god places someone in your life for a reason or a season. That was definitely my testimony. I learned my lesson for sure.

I cooled out in the living room with my mom and Karson majority of the day. It was 12:00pm. "Ma are you making lunch or me I'm starving". You can go ahead and make something Kay or go put Karson in her bed.
My baby had dozed off she was up early playing , so that was expected.

I walk back to the living room after laying baby girl down & my mom was already making lunch.
I laid down on the couch scrolling on Facebook. Facebook was straight comedy it was always some funny shit up there.

I kept thinking about Jonah. I tried to find his Facebook but couldn't. I started wondering if he work tonight. I hope so. I wasn't going to rush anything but I just wanted to know who he was.

I woke up and looked at the time. When tf did I fall asleep ? It was quiet.

I called my mom.
"Where are y'all at ?"
I took Karson to see your great grandmother. You was knocked out so we didn't bother you.
Put Karson on the phone.
"Hey mommy" Karson spoke into the phone.
Hey baby I love you. 
I love you too mommy. She handed the phone back to her grandma.
Alright ma, I'll see y'all later.
Okay Kay call me when you head out to work love you.
I will ma love you.

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