Crime AU

390 3 24

(I might make a full story on this if I don't lose motivation)

Warning: blood, abuse, implied drugs, murderer, swearing 

Ships: BlazaFor1 


My head slams against the wall as my girlfriend kicks me across the room. She walk up to me with a brick in hand.

Tina: you have the guts to cheat on me but can't even stand up for your self. Pathetic.

Blaza: I didn't cheat on you

Tina: then why are you sneaking out every single night 

Blaza: not every single night 


Tina throws the brick at me and everything goes black.


I burst through Blaza's door and into his house. I look around and eventually make it to his room where Blaza is limp on the floor with a black eye and cuts on his arms but the worst of all his head was bleeding. I run up to him to find that somehow he was still breathing. I call 911 and they soon arrive. They take Blaza in the ambulance and allow me to sit in the back with him. I held his hand in the ambulance. We get to the hospital and Blaza is put on a bed to rest and give him some bandages and some blood. The doctors said he is in a coma for a bit but he will break out of it soon.

The doctors let me visit him with Memey and TBH. We see a bunch of monitors and a IV attached to his wrist. We stand in shock and the only thing we can hear is Blaza breathing.

Memey: so Socks what happened to him?

Socks: probably his girlfriend

TBH: you mean the asshole?

Socks: yes

Memey: we need to find a way to make her life hell

Socks: but how?

TBH: can we talk about this another time 

Socks: ok 

I grab Blaza's hand. I will get revenge for him.


I woke up from my coma three days ago and was going home today. I can't drive right now so I got Socks to come and pick me up. I see Socks run up to me and give me a big hug.

Socks: I missed you so much 

Blaza: I missed you too 

Socks: now time to kill your girlfriend 

Blaza: please don't 

Socks: I don't care 

Blaza: was also wondering if I could stay at your house for a bit? 

Socks: sure I can make some room

Blaza: thank you so much 

Socks: no prob 

We walk to the car and start to drive home. We got there ten minutes later. I saw TBH's car parked in front of the driveway and Memey and TBH ringing the door bell. Socks parks in the driveway and we walk up to TBH and Memey.

Socks: did you ring my doorbell a thousand times?

TBH: three thousand actually

Blaza: wow

TBH turns around and gives my a big hug

TBH: I missed you so much 

Blaza: I never thought someone would care for me so much 

TBH: well you are cared for

Socks: he's right 

Memey: for once he's right

Socks: your lucky I'm in a good mood or I would punch you in the face.

Socks unlocks the door and we enter his house. TBH flops on the couch and I sit on the little part that he hasn't taken. Socks turns on the TV and connects his computer to it.

Blaza: what are you doing?

Socks: getting revenge on Tina

Blaza: what. . ?

Socks: I said earlier that I was going to kill her. I wasn't joking. I made a PowerPoint explaining how.

Memey: wait whAT!??

TBH: Did we miss something???????

Socks: no

Blaza: we are not killing her

Socks: no now watch the the PowerPoint and then complain 

Memey: my sound like my 7th grade teacher right now 

Socks: nobody asked 


I will make a part two soon but for now I sleep

I finished three chapters in one night 

(625 words)

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