11. mini date?

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It's been 2 days after what had happened to everyone. I am currently lying on my side just in my deep thoughts until the phone ringed. I was kind of hoping it was atleast one of the loser club members.

"Y/n! Sweetie! Bill is on the phone and he wants to talk to you!" My mom shouted from downstairs.

I closed my eyes and sighed but took a breath then slowly walked downstairs to the living room. My mother looked concerned and passed me the phone anyways as she pecked my forehead walking back to the kitchen making dinner.

I held the phone against my ear and didn't say anything while twirling with the phone chord.

"h-hey.." Bill quietly spoke.

"hey.." I replied with a raspy voice.

"it's been two days an-and you didnt call...s-s-so i got worried..." He spoke nervously.

I smiled a bit "sorry... im just you know not in the mood i guess..." I spoke while leaning against the wall next to the phone.

"Y-yea i unders-s-stand.." He spoke with a pause.

"did you need something?" I asked politely still playing with the phone chord.

"u-um w-w-want to meet at the p-p-park? just you and me? I mean it's like a date- or not a d-date. " Bill panicked.

I let out a quiet chuckle. he's so awkward and it's pretty cute.

"So is that a y-yes?.." He quietly asked.

I thought about it for a few seconds. Fuck it ive been in the house for too long, I need some fresh air. "Yes, I'll be there.. meet you at 1?" I asked while looking at the clock.

"Y-yea I was going to say the same thing.." He spoke.

I nodded.

"Alright, see you" Bill lastly spoke and hung up.

I smiled and hung up as well then ran upstairs to get ready. I locked the door behind me after entering then looked in my closet looking for a nice dress to wear. I didnt have much dresses since I didn't like wearing them but for this occasion i wanted to try something else.

I found one and changed into it then looked in the mirror. My face scrunched in disgust but shrugged. I grabbed my shoes and a flannel just in case if it got a little breezy.

I put everything on then wrote a note while rushing down the stairs sticking it on the fridge. Before I was going to go out, my dad spoke out.

"What are you wearing?" He turned from the couch looking at me. I gulped a bit and got nervous "I'm just going out with beverly, to go eat" I nervously spoke.

"You don't have to dress like a slut next time. Understand?" He spoke while looking at the tv.

This fumed me and made me upset. I opened the door and went out holding back my tears while grabbing my bike. I quickly hop on and started riding as tears slip down my face.

I frantically wiped it away then started heading to the place to meet bill at. I pedaled while enjoying the wind crash my face, missing the breeze after these days.

I then made to the area bill suggested. He was sitting on the bench next to his bike looking around squinting his eyes due to the sun. I waved at him. He looked over towards me and smiled receiving the wave back.

I got off my bike and walked towards him. I put my bike on the stand and I hugged him tightly. He hugged me back tightly as well.

I smiled brightly missing his touch. missing just him being infront of me. I slowly pulled away rubbing my nose a bit. "Y-you look p-p-pretty.." Bill spoke.

I blushed softly "Thanks... I really didn't know what to wear so since it's just us why not wear a dress?.." I spoke.

He let out a soft chuckle while fixing his shirt then placing his hands in his pocket "w-w-where do you wa-want to go?" he asked.

I slowly sat down on the bench and looked around the place. "There isn't much around here unless you want to talk and walk around?" I spoke.

He nods hesitantly then sat himself beside me.

I started fidgeting with the rings on my fingers since I was a little nervous being out with bill. "so have you t-talked to beverly or any one so far?.." He asked

"Yea I've talked to beverly yesterday for a while.. just checking up" I spoke while still fidgeting with my rings.

It was quite silent for a bit. We just sat there awkwardly glancing at each other every minute. Bill sits himself up straightly and turned towards me looking a bit nervous.

I was worried about what he was going to say next. I looked at him with my eyebrows furrowed.

"Y/n.." He spoke.

"Bill?" I replied so confused.

Bill started stuttering the words he was going to say "I-I-I... fuck!.." He exclaimed while looking away annoyingly.

I gave him a tiny sympathetic smile and leaned against the back board of the bench while looking at him "You?.." I asked.

He looked at me and stared into my eyes "I-I like you...." he quietly breathed out.

I just continued to stare into his eyes.

Bill on the other hand was panicking inside right now.

I quickly gave him a peck on his lips then pulled back.

He stared at me and pecked me back. I slowly smile shyly then placed my forehead on his shoulder looking down blushing.

I could hear him laughing.

Which made me smile even wider.


you are so into her. - bill denbrough x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now