I. So called normal

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[not a part of the show my own background]

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[not a part of the show my own background]

The sounds of multiple footsteps moving on the hardwood floors. The closing of doors and sounds of yelling, the aching headache she has but still pushes. Making breakfast as everyone rushes around the house. She put the skillet in the cold water and watched as the smoke arose from it. Waving the towel, and turning on the fan she didn't want the detector to go off. Breakfast was made and people still weren't ready.

"I grabbed breakfast, I'm headed to work, money on my dresser, be safe, I love you." Joseph Murphy said, quickly as he hurried his way out the front door giving Scarlet a slight kiss on the cheek.

She closed the door behind him, watching out the living room window as he drove away. She was always so worried about Joseph, her mother always said to look after them, and she has been. Joseph just seems more of a 'cover-up pain' type. Scarlet has told her father plenty of times that no one will judge you for moving on to someone else. Doesn't mean you're replacing mom.

He didn't care. Obviously.

"Charlie, Max, Fin. We have to leave. I can not be late." She walks out the front door, leaving them. Starting the car, three people come running out of the house with food in hand.

Car rides were never boring. Scarlet always found a way to make things right. The roads were clear, and kids with their parents walk the sidewalk.  Scarlet liked this home better, she felt safe. She liked the feeling of knowing she made them safe.

"After school routine, go." She breaks the somewhat silence in the car ride. "Max, fin, you are walking home with the neighbor's kid. Charlie, you are?

He turned his head to face her, mullet-styled hair, same jewelry he never took off. "Car shop." She reaches her hand over, wiping the leftover breakfast crumbs off his face. "Scar, stop," Charlie says practically, swatting her hand away from him. Scar proceeded to wipe his face and squish him just to make him more annoyed. Arriving at the school she let everyone out and the Murphy siblings parted their ways.

Clocking out, Scarlet takes off her equipment and heads for the car. The sound of people yelling rises, and a man shouts saying someone was shot. Nurses run grabbing a gurney and placing the man on there. Scarlet runs to grab a doctor available, before leaving. She watches as everyone rushes to get the man into immediate surgery. She looks over to see a man in distress, he can't stand. She hesitates to go over, he sits down and calms himself.

Scarlet leaves the hospital heading to the grocery store. 'This is Joseph I can't come to the phone right now but leave your number and name I'll call you back she rolls her eyes as if that's ever gonna happen. "Dad, it's me. I know you're gonna be a little late when coming home, that's fine. Just call me when you get a chance."

She walks into the grocery store whispering what she needs trying not to forget it. Filling up the cart she heads to the back of the store. Suddenly the sound of a woman's screams fills the whole store. People run all around the store, women grabbing their kids, people pushing people. Scarlet stands there frozen, unable to move.

Practically paralyzed.

Finding the courage she runs to the back of the store 'employees only'. Her heart pounds, she can't breathe. 1,2,3,4,5. She counts over and over on her hands, calming her nerves. She worried she felt like this was kind of the end. Maybe she should've taken the additional years of school. Was her  life about to flash before her eyes? What was it, a person with a gun? An ongoing car? Fire? Robbery?

Groaning comes from the other side of the door she places her hand over her mouth and silences herself. Whatever was behind the door finally pushed through. She quietly moves further into the corner. The person comes through the doors dragging itself along as it groans.

Was the person. Dead?

Authors note- I finally made this I am so excited to continue this as I'm watching the show. so far the show is so good. follow the TikTok if you want some visuals it's the same as my username. I have other stories on my TikTok but uhh lots of background coming but in pieces ig idk. hope yall enjoyed it.

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