VI. Saving everyone

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Season 3 Episode 1

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Season 3 Episode 1

00:00- 43:02

K stops his bike and gets out of there cars.

We stopped. Why'd we stop.

"15. Youre on point."

Maggie pulls out a map and everyone crowds around.

"We have no place left to go."

"When this herd meets up with this one, we'll be cut off. We'll never make it south."

"What would you say? That was about 150 head?"

"That was last week. It could be twice that by now."

K looked over at Scarlet and flashed a slight. "This river here could have delayed them."

Hershel chimes in agreeing with K. "If we move fast, we might have a shot to tear right through there."

Scarlet looks in her bag for pregnancy vitamins and some water. She grabs her doctor bag and walks to Lori who's still in the car. "How are you feeling mama?"

Lori rubs her stomach and smiles. Scarlet hands her the vitamins. She checks the baby heart rate and all seems well.

"Lori, did you have Carl by c- section?"

"Yes, why?" Scarlet looked slightly worrisome. "Am I gonna have to have my baby by c- section again?"

"Most likely, but it's fine. I've seen and done plenty. You'll be alright." Scarlet walked away back to Ks' bike. Putting her things away and counting once more.

Rick guides everyone to a-

Is this a fucking prison ground?

Rick cuts open a space in the fence while others are in formation killing walkers. Circling around Lori making sure she's okay. Scarlet is covered in bags that weigh more than her. K is glued to her side like no other. Everyone watching for everyone.

"Watch the backside."

"Got it."

Rick lets everyone in through the fence. Once in, Scarlet, Daryl, and Glen, close off the fence with some wire Scarlet found ways before she met them. Everyone runs up to the gravel trail that leads to a big yard.

Holy shit.

"It's perfect." Rick turns to everyone "if we can shut that gate, prevent more from filling the yard, we can pick off these walkers. We'll take the field by tonight."

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