II. Quiet

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Everyone turns around as the red truck pulls up, people run to the car and more people come out of the house. Scarlet gets out of the bush and she follows the car to the house. A little boy runs to the man who steps out of the vehicle. "Dad." The boy smiles letting go of the woman's hand as he wraps his arms around the man. The woman joins in on the hug, people run to others. "Are you hurt?" She asks. Scarlet walks up to the house and stands there. "Who the hell is that?" A man says pointing at someone. Everyone grabs their weapons.

"That's Randall."

"No. No. Her."

"Carl go in the house now. Go." The woman motions to the house and he runs inside, Everyone cautiously approaches her.

"Who are you?" She says nothing she stares at everyone. Scarlet has had lots of time to live with her thoughts, she learned to get into people's heads. It was never hard, now she just had time to actually learn.

"We aren't gonna ask again." A man motioned for people to take her bags. They stripped her of everything she was carrying and took her and another person to a barn. She sat in the barn handcuffed to a pipe. Eyes closed she felt more at peace than she has in weeks. She knew what they were in the house talking about. She shut her heavy eyes and rested.

'This is Joseph I can't come to the phone right now but leave your number and name I'll call you back.'  She paces the house panicking the phone beeps. "Damnit John answer the phone. Tell me you're okay. Call me back. Now." She hangs up the phone and calls Charlie 'Yo, you've reached charlie I will most likely not call you back but if it's important leave a message, and ill call you back.'  "Charlie, god are you okay? Call me back now. I've called the school five times and no one answered. What the hell is going on? Please please call me back.'

"He's out cold for right now and will be for a hours."

"What about the girl, she somehow followed you guys. That far? It's not possible."

"What did you and K find in her stuff."

"Heavy stuff, needles, doctor prescriptions, looks like she robbed a pharmacy. Loads of food that would feed most of us for months. Thats not even half of it. She has some heavy artillery." Daniel looks at Shane and then Rick.

"You know I'm gonna go get them some flowers and candy." Shane walks away scoffing "Look at this folks we're back in fantasy land."

"You know we haven't even dealt about what you did in my barn yet. Let me make this perfectly clear, once and for all-- this is my farm. Now I wanted you gone. Rick talked me out of it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. So do us both a favor-- keep your mouth shut." Hershel tells Shane and everyone looks at him as he walks out of the house practically slamming the door. 

"Look, we're not gonna do anything about it today. Let's just cool off."  Everyone leaves the kitchen.

"Want me to take the watch?" She asks him

"Yeah. Relieve T and Daniel in a few hours. I'm gonna take the graveyard." Shane orders Andrea as she follows him as he walking.

"And then what?" she asks "we just send them on their married way. Rick brought a man here and a girl carrying that much weight followed them here."

"According to Rick and Hershel."

"If the boy finds his people and leads them here, we'll have a war on our hands."

"You know, you're preaching to the choir, girl."

"You ever considered a lighter touch? Abandoning the search for Sophia, taking out the walkers in the barn, lying to Lori today-- those were all the right calls. It's your presentation that leaves something to be desired."

"Dale send you?"



'Hello, Uncle John?'

'Scar honey what's wrong?'

'Somethings happening, people are. Dead.'


'I can't find anyone, Charlie, Max, Fin, Dad. its been hours

'Scar, Scar. listen to me, remember what we talked about. Step one board the house, Step two gather everything, Step three make sure you have backups for your backups. Just remember what I taught you.'

'I need to find them.'
'They remember the steps to its fine, they're fine. Board the house while I'm here. Now'

She runs to hurry and board the house. She needed to find them.

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