IX. It's your call

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Love Like Ghosts


Season 3 Episode 5

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Season 3 Episode 5

03:15 - 43:02 

Scarlet stands there with tears in her eyes as K tries to gather attention. The utter numb feeling this gave her. Rick had blanked out that he wasn't the same. Hershel saw the look on Scarlet's face,she was in no shape to give the baby a checkup at the moment.

"Let me see the baby." Carl walked to Hershel with the little baby girl in his hands.

"What are we gonna feed it, we got anything a baby can eat?"

"Good news is she looks healthy but she needs formula and soon or she won't survive."

"Nope, no way, not her." Daryl stands there and gathers his things.

"We ain't losing nobody else, I'm going for a run." Those words caught Scarlet's attention when she walked away from K.

"I'll back you up." Maggie and Scarlet looked at one another.

"Me too." 

"She goes, I go." K glances at Scarlet with a look in his eye that was a look of care and concern.

Scarlet turns around and Rick is out of it. She knows that look, she saw her father make that same look for months after her mother died. Rick stands and picks up the ax.

"Rick." Maggie tries stopping him.

"Maggie let him go. He can't hear you, I'm not sure he can even see you." Scarlet checks her guns and walks away to the fence.

"Get the gate. Come on or we're gonna lose the light." Daryl runs behind Scarlet trying to keep up.

"I can only take one of you." Daryle gets on his bike.

"I'll go." Maggie said

 "Maggie, not a chance in hell, you stay here with that baby. I'm going." Scarlet walks over to Daryl.

"Are you sure about that? I mean you just-."

"Daryl. Shut up and drive the damn bike or I will."

"Yes ma'am" Daryl and Scarlet drive off on his bike to the nearest shop.


"We love parties as much as the next fella."

"Yeah governor he's right but we're using up a lot of our resources, for instance the generator." The governor looks at the kid.

"I thought you'd love a party, come on milky and zero, lighten up for once. Let your hair down and have fun for once."

"Merile shut the fuck up."

"Hey zero, watch it." The governor snaps.

"We're just saying, we can have fun but we also love surviving, and living." Zero says this in a mocking tone, as he leaves the room irritated with all of them.


 "Companies close, stay tight."

Scarlet climbs through a window of a daycare.She searches for food, clothes and other things. Whispering while she counts.

"See if you can stuff your bag maybe. Yeah?" Daryl nods and wanders around the building, The both of them come to a closet where there's a soft noise being made. Scarlet swore if it was a kid she'd lose her mind. She carefully opens the door and it's a possum.

"Hello dinner."

"You put that shit in your bag." She sounded disgusted. She reaches a cabinet and laughs as she finds formula and other things she continues to count.

"Why do you count?"

"Helps with knowing how much you use. Military things my mom and uncle would engrave in my head." After a while dark begins to come, They ride back to the prison after gathering as much as they could.

"Guys there back." The prisoners bang on the gates getting the walkers attention to motion them another way. Walking in the baby is already crying.

"Maggie, Beth." Scarlet sets out everything on the table counting again to make sure she didn't miss anything.

"How's she doing?" Daryl takes the baby in his hands. Scarlet hands him the bottle. K enters and immediately turns his focus to Scarlet. The baby stops crying.

"She got a name yet?" Carl Shakes his head no. Everyone watches as Daryl caters to the baby girl.

"Not yet, I was thinking Sofia, then there's Carol too, and... Andrea, maybe Jacqui, Patricia, or... Lori. I don't know."

"You're good at that. You're gonna be my backup now." Scarlet points at Daryl smiling. She put the things back in her bag.

"Little ass kicker." Everyone laughs at Daryl's name suggestion.

"Little ass kicker? She won't be so little when she vomits on you." Everyone laughs at Scarlet's joke. 


The music is loud and the crowd is hype. Zero and Miley sit side by side and they both do not want to be there. The lights come up and there's walkers in each corner. The town people are cheering. It's a brawl, grown men beating each other around like piñatas.


Scarlet rocks the baby and puts her in some clothes. She hums to her while the others are away. K stands in the cell way watching.


"Shhhh." Beth made a small little bed for the baby, she didn't want her to be on a prison mattress. Scarlet places her in that bed gently.

"How are you holding up?" K wraps his arms around her.

"I'll live."

"That's not what I asked."

"Yeah, well... K that's the answer I gave."

"Are you done?" K pulls away from her.

"Yeah, whatever." Scarlet knew she could never lie to him, even if she tried.

"Where do you think Rick is?"

"Gone. He's not coming back for a while, that look he had on his face was a look I hadn't seen in years. He.....he feels lost. No one else exists outside his mind. My dad had that same look, when my mom died he.. he was never the same. You can't fix it. You can't help, you just let it happen."

Rick was gone and there was nothing anyone could do about it for a while, Rick had to find his own way. Everyone now looked at Scarlet. The doctor.

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