IIII. You learn to deal with it

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SEASON 2 EPISODE 1200:00-43:10

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"Gonna be tight, 14 people in one house." Rick really doesn't wanna invade but he wants everyone safe

"Don't worry about that. With the swamp hardening, the creek drying up"

"With 50 head of cattle on the property, we might as well be ringing a damn dinner bell."

"She's right. We should've moved you in a while ago."

Everyone goes off and does their tasks given to them before sundown.

The scruffy man with the shaved head walks in slowly as he stares at Scarlet and the boy. He slams a chair on the ground making the boy jump. From only looking at the back of the man's head Scarlet can tell something is wrong. That scream last night wasn't just anything. They lost someone. She can tell by the tension in the room that the man is on edge or over. The poor boy can't even see him. They've taped his mouth and blinded his eyes.

Before Scarlet can settle in her own thoughts the man stands up, cocks his gun, and points it at the boy's head. Her heart drops. Does she scream, look away? The man wants to, dying to fire the gun. He doesn't. He moves the boy away from the wall to see his hands. Showing his wrists that bloody. No words are said. You can hear the boy's heart skipping so many beats per minute she's surprised he's not dead.

T-dog walks up to Daryl with a gun. "Only got so many arrows."

"Is that Dales gun?"


"Wish I knew where the hell mine is."

"Ready?" Rick walks up to the two of them


"I'll get the package." T-dog walks off to the shed


Scarlet can hear footsteps. What does she say? Does she say the man took the boy? Act clueless? They open the door and see the boy is gone.

The blond boy and T-dog look confused. "Where is he!"

Scarlet shakes her handcuffs and T-dog uncuffs her.

"The man with the..... shaved head took him." The blond boy helps her up and they run to the house. Everyone stands around the shed trying to see where they are.

"Rick! Rick!" Shane comes from the field yelling. Scarlet looks at his face. Why is there blood?

"What happened!"

"He's armed! He's got my gun!"

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, little bastard, just snuck up on me!" He speed walks his way to the rest of the group. There is no way in hell that's true. "He cocked me in the face!"

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