XI. I didn't do it for you.

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I Can't Breathe


Season 3 Episode 7 00:04 - 43:01

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Season 3 Episode 7
00:04 - 43:01

Merle drags his weapon arm on the table in front of Glenn and K.

"You two don't even know why you're here. Do you? I didn't mean you no harm, I lowered my gun down,you both raised yours. You an asshole out there, and you. You grew balls the last time I saw you. Just you were back on that roof top back in Atlanta. What all did,leaving me up there. People wouldn't do that to an animal"

'We went back for you."

"Ain't you thoughtful."

"We did all of us, Rick,Daryl, T-dog."

"Mmmm t-dog. Yeah big ol' spear chucker. The one I was pleading with, mhm,the one that dropped the key, tell me where he's at.I'm sure t-dog would like to bury the Hatchet, let bygones be bygones."

"He didn't make it." K turns his head away as he says that.

Merle aggressively approached K and spoke in a whisper directly in their face. "Well, I hope he went slow." He pauses "Yeah." Glenn stares at Merle in silence for a few seconds. "How about the rest, Hmm?" Merle continues to talk. "How bout my baby brother, you can't tell me he's alive and hold off where he is." Glenn looks away while K keeps his head down. "No? Well maybe the farmer's daughter will help me out, or the doctor." Grabbing their attention, K quickly turns his head to make eye contact with Merle. Glenn does the same. Merle smiles wickedly at them.

In the other room Scarlet and Maggie sit side by side tied to chairs. Maggie keeps her head down. Scarlet on the other hand holds her head high, Scarlet knew Maggie was scared, she was scared herself too, this has happened before, letting her guard down for a split second of bliss.

Never a fucking gin.

"Tell me something." Maggie and Scarlet can hear Merle talking to them. every word. "When she's scared and she's holding you close, and her trembling skin is close to you." Merle goes on, he presses his blade on Glenns neck, causing K to slightly shift in his seat. "her soft lips touching you here, all over here, and over here." Merle drags the blade on Glenn's neck. "Feels good, don't it?"

Merle turns to K,"I remember you, yeah. you're the sneaky one, the one with nerve, you don't scare easy do you?" He places the blade on K's mouth. "I like that." He stands. "Now..." he grips K's head and pulls it back, placing the blade flatly on his lips. "I wanna know where my brother is." Merle pushes the blade down onto his mouth. K groans from the pressure. Maggie and Scarlet hear from the other room. Scarlet closes her eyes while Maggie looks away flinching at the sound.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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