🔗ROSEniverse Ep. 17 "When I Wrote Your Name, You Out" #1

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🔗ROSEniverse Ep. 17 "When I Wrote Your Name, You Out" #1


Nari • Miyoung • Jihye • Hayoon

----[ROSENIVERSE][Where are ROSEniverse today?]

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[Where are ROSEniverse today?]

Miyoung: Let's do the cheery note

ROSES: ROSEniverse

Jihye: Where are we today?

Hayoon: It's as big as a library.

[This place is? Huge!]

Pd: Today's episode is called, "When I Wrote Your Name, You Out."

Jihye: Sorry? Isn't this a parody of something? When I called your name, you did something?

Miyoung: What's the original version?

Nari: Is this from an anime?

Jihye: Is this a parody?

Pd: It's a poem.

[It's from a line in "Flower" by Poet Kim Chunsu]

Jihye: I guess you guys don't really read.

Miyoung: No, I haven't read that one and you didn't know that it was from a poem either.

[The original quote]

Pd: "When I called her name, she came to me and blossomed into a flower."

Jihye: That's right I guess none of you guys knew.

Hayoon: What's the poem about then? Say it for us again

Jihye: Please tell us what we're doing today.

[Let's just move on]
["When I Wrote Your Name, You Out" find red and blue pens hidden all around, and write names in the notebooks! The notebooks open randomly only when music is playing. The pens can be used only once and are taken back once used, and the notebooks close when the music stops playing. Names that aren't fully written by the end of a song don't count. Blue pens can increase their own name counts, red pens can decrease someone else's name count. In a total of two rounds, the one with the most number of names wins! Who will take the most number of members out
and win the game?]

Hayoon: That means making allies is important too, right? Why don't we start by eliminating one person?

[Getting competitive already]

Miyoung: I think you should be the first one.

Jihye: Let's take Hayoon out first.


Pd: The winner's prize is a right to decide what the penalty will be for everyone else.

[The winner can decide the penalty for the rest]


Pd: But before that, we'll play a game first.

[The members currently have zero points]

[BOOK I] BIG HIT's GIRLS 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓪𝓻𝓽𝔃Where stories live. Discover now