Part 1

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Having a strict parents , Yn never allowed to have freedom in her life . Always having a strict life rules and studies ate her mind .

But wasn't that enough ?

No that wasn't enough .

They had to put her life into more complicated situation that she never wanted .

At the edge of her life , they fixed a marriage without her will .

Yn : ( sighed ) I guess , I'll not have any freedom in my life . It's like a cage to me . Happiness doesn't like me . ( Sadly chuckled )

**Buzz **

Her phone rang. Seeing the caller she sighed again and picked up the call lazily .

Otp :

Y/Dad : Yn ! Go to mall to buy your wedding dress . Taehyung will come to pick you up .

Yn : Ok ---

Y/Dad didn't let her complete and cut the call.

Yn : Another order .

Then Yn got up and went to get ready .

After a while , she got ready and was waiting for Taehyung .

Then a man came .

Guard : Ma'am !! The car is waiting for you .

Yn nodded and went outside.

Yn came Infront of a car . Then a driver came out .

Driver : Sorry Ma'am. But Taehyung sir couldn't come out due to some important work . He said to collect your dress by own . He'll get his suit later .

Yn didn't care whether he would come or not so she just nodded and went to the mall .

By the fact , Yn didn't know when would her marriage held . She would just go to aisle when her parents told her to .

Sometimes , she thought she's a robot to whom they would order and she would listen without any complaints.

After getting her wedding dress , she came home and settled on the couch .

Then her mother came .

Y/Mom : Yn !! Your marriage is tomorrow. Be ready .

Yn didn't get shocked just nodded and went to her room .

After laying down on the couch , a tear escaped from her eyes . She couldn't do anything . She was helpless.

* Buzz*

She looked at the mobile .

She smiled seeing the only person that she felt comfortable and felt like home . Her best friend .

Otp :

Yn : Hey meow meow !!

Yoongi : ( sighed ) You're crying right ?

Yn : N-no . Why would I ?

Yoongi : There's no way to hide that from me. I know you more than yourself.

Yn : ( Started sobbing slightly )

Yoongi : Yn~ah ! I think this will change your life . Try giving this marriage a chance . ( Trying to cheer her up )

Yn : How can I ? I don't know who he is . They just fixed my marriage with a man I don't know . I just see his face and know his name . Nothing else .

Yoongi : I know . But get to know him after marriage. I know you're helpless at this state . I'm feeling guilty that I couldn't able to do anything as your buddy .

Yn : No it's ok . Don't feel guilty it will make me feel worse .

Yoongi : Noo. Don't!!! Btw when is your marriage?

Yn : Tomorrow! ( Sniffing)

Yoongi : Whattt ? I haven't choose any suit . How can I manage my suit just in one night !!!

Yn : Sorry . But I just got to know a few moment ago about the date .

Yoongi : It's ok . Guess what I'm just wearing the suit of my dad. ( Sighed)

Yn : ( Chuckled ) How can you be so bold as well as cute at the same time ?

Yoongi : Yahh ! I'm not cute .

Yn : You are .

Yoongi : Aishh !! Jinjaa ! You and Yurum are same teasing me all the time .

Yn : Ohh !! Yes . Tell my beautiful friend to come to my wedding tomorrow. ( Yurum is Yoongi's gf and Yn's friend )

Yoongi : Yes . I will . Now sleep otherwise you and I 'll have dark circles under our eyes . And I don't want to look worse at my bestie's wedding .

Yn : ( Chuckled ) Arasso ! Arasso ! Good night . Thanks for making my day bright .

Yoongi : It's just my swag you know . Btw Good night .

Then they hung up the call and Yn fall asleep .

|||Meanwhile |||

Taehyung : Dad !! Tomorrow is our wedding ?

T/Dad : Yes . Why ?

Taehyung : Why this much early ?

T/Dad : Don't you want your position early ?

Taehyung : Oh yes . I'll get my position after this she will do nothing with me .

T/Dad : But remember if you both divorced then the position will snatch away from you .

Taehyung : Whattt? WHYY ?

T/Dad : It's the rules and you've to follow.

Then T/Dad went away .

Taehyung : I'll never treat her as my wife . Marriage!! my foot !!

Then he also went away .

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