Part 4

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||| Time Skip |||

It's been midnight Tae didn't come home . Yn was waiting for him .

Then the doorbell rang .

Yn went to the door and opened it .

Yn : Jimin oppa ?

Then her eyes fall over the figure who was standing there with the support of jimin.

Jimin : Hey Yn !

Yn : What happened to him .

Yn said looking at drunk Taehyung .

Jimin : Actually he just got the position today so he was just so excited. Due to so much excitement , he got drunk .

Yn : Oh ! Come inside please .

Then Jimin came inside and placed Taehyung on the couch .

Yn : Oppa ! What will you take ? I mean coffee or tea ?

Jimin Chuckled at her formal behaviour.

Jimin : I won't take anything . But I've to leave now . It's already midnight. You'll able to take care of Tae right ?

Yn nodded with a smile .

Jimin patted her forehead in a adorable way and left after saying .

Jimin : Take care and good night .

Yn nodded .

Yn : You also oppa . Drive safely .

Jimin smiled and went away .

Yn sighed and bent down at Tae's level .

Meanwhile Taehyung was smiling like an idiot .

Taehyung : I goT the PosiTioonnn Jimin----

Taehyung stopped seeing you .

Taehyung : Excuses Meee~~ Who ArE YoU hUhhh ???

Yn frowned at his silly question .

Yn : Yah ! I'm your wife . Yn !!

Taehyung started smiling in a weird way .

Taehyung : My wiFueeee!!

Then he placed his hands on her cheeks and started pinching very softly.

Yn : What ! what are you doing ?

Taehyung : You knoWw You aRe so Cutee~~

Yn looked at him in disbelief.

Yn : Taehyung ! let's go to bedroom .

Taehyung : OkKieeE . But lift meeE up . ( Pouted )

Yn gave the ' Wth ' look .

Tae spread his arms smiling cheekily .

Yn couldn't believe this is the spoiled brat acting all cute after being drunk .

Taehyung : Whattt ??? LifT MeE pleaseeE .

Yn sighed and made him stand up up by holding his shoulder.

After a lot of struggling, finally she placed him on the bed .

He straightly sat on the bed and looked at Yn in a weird gaze.
Then again smiled cheekily .

Taehyung : WifueeE ! LoOK At MeEe.

Yn looked at him .

Taehyung : AnDdd KuChhIpuu !

Then he did an Aigoo pose you know cute stuffs .

Yn looked at him in confusion.

Yn : What was that for ?

Taehyung pouted .

Taehyung : MweaniE !! ( Pouted) I jusTt did an Aigoooo~~~ . You should be liKeE AwwW! MYy cuTe Taetae . but YoU dIdn'T saiD anythingggyy . Sowww soww Baddd .

Yn sighed .

Taehyung : But~~ I neeD My reWard for doIng an Aigoo. ( pouted and then nodded in his own words )

Yn : W-what reward ?

Taehyung : You !!! My wifeue righttt?

Yn nodded hesitantly.

Taehyung : Then give Me a KisuueEe. Here On My preCious Cheeks . Hehe . ( Smiling cheekily )

Yn widened her eyes. .

Yn : W-what---

Her words cut off when Tae pulled her closer and made her sit on the bed .

Taehyung : CoMe OnnnN ! I'm waitingggg.

Yn hesitantly gave a peck on his cheeks .

Taehyung : YayY! Taetae is soww happyyy !! Now I'm also SleepYyy. Good nighttey wifeue .

Then Taehyung yawned cutely and laid on the bed falling asleep .

Yn just watching all this in disbelief.

Yn : Is this the human I married ?? Oh my god ! How can he change this much after getting drunk . Omo !! If he remembers everything , it'll be more awkward. Aish .

Even though it was cute but for Yn it was so much awkward .

While thinking suddenly Taehyung got up .

Taehyung : Hey you wiFueeee!! I want cuddles .

Not waiting for Yn's answer Tae pulled her closer and hugged her instantly falling asleep .

While Yn was drowning in her thinking unknowingly also falling asleep . Yn just couldn't digest the thing happened with her in a while . She fell asleep being a dumbfounded.

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