Part 12

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Taehyung took Yn directly to their bedroom and went out .

After some time, Yn opened her eyes and blinked few times to adjust the light .

She sat on the bed while holding her head because it was hurting .

Yn once groaned in pain .

Yn : Aish ! Jinjaa !

Then she remembered how she fainted.

Yn : How----

Her words cut off when Taehyung entered the room .

Taehyung : Ohh you woke up .

Yn : Taehyungshi !! How ---

Taehyung cut her off .

Taehyung : How can you be so careless huh ! You first went out without telling me also without Guards . Do you if I came a little bit late, what would happen to you ? Obviously you don't care to tell me because you went to meet some guy .

( Sarcasm was visible in his voice )

Obviously the thought of losing Yn and Yn hugging a guy both were eating his mind out . So he just couldn't control at the time .

Yn : What do you mean meeting a guy ? Are you indirectly accusing me of cheating ?

Taehyung scoffed and said .

Taehyung : Only if you know .

Then he barged outside .

That's when a tear rolled down from her eyes .

Yn : How can he accuse me like that ? It hurts so much and I was thinking he will love me when he doesn't even trust me and went out without hearing any explanation.

Yn wiped her tears .

Yn : I think I need a break .

Then she decided to go to Taehyung's parents house for staying some days. Because she wanted to be happy also she wanted to have some space to think about their relationship.

Yn got ready and went to his parents house without telling him .

||| Meanwhile |||

Taehyung was sitting in his home office room.

When Jimin barged in after hearing the news of Yn getting kidnapped.

Jimin : Hey ! Where is Yn ? Is she ok ?

Taehyung : She must be in bedroom . Why ?

Jimin : Man ! How did this happen ?

Taehyung then tell him everything about how it happened and also about the argument they had a while ago .

Jimin : Are you carzy ? You again fell into some conclusion on by your own . You should comfort her rather than having any arguments . You should at least hear her explanation. And about the guy , he must be Yn's best friend. Remember Yoongi hyung ? Yn's best friend.

Taehyung then came out of his thought.

Taehyung : Yeah ! You're right . Shit !! I'm a jerk . Now how will I face her ???

Jimin sighed and said .

Jimin : Ask for her forgiveness and try to win her heart .

Taehyung nodded with guilt .

But little did he know that at that Yn had already gone to his parents house without telling him .

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