Part 3

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|||Lunch |||

Doorbell rang and the maids opened the door . Seeing them , all of them present there bowed in respect.

Yn approached them and bowed in respect.

T/Mom : Hello ! Dear ! How are you ?
( Smilingly )

Yn : I'm fine Mom. How are you ? ( Smiling )

T/Mom : I'm also fine.

T/Dad : I'm also here . ( Fake anger )

Yn giggled .

Yn : Hello ! Dad ! How are you ? ( Giggling )

T/Mom also giggled .

T/Dad : I'm fine . ( Grinned widely )

Yn : Oh ! I didn't notice you both are standing for long . Come sit . I'll serve lunch .

T/Dad : Ok .

Then they settled on the couch .

Meanwhile Yn went to the dining room for helping the maids in serving lunch .

Meanwhile T/Mom said .

T/Mom : I think we've made the best decision by getting her married to Tae . Besides, she's a such a sweet and mannered girl . To be honest , I don't like the way Yn's parents behaved with her .

T/Dad : You're right . But I know Tae . He's just a spoiled brat . Will he love her ?

T/Mom sighed .

T/Mom : I'll hope that Yn's care and affection will work .

T/Dad : I'm sure the brat last night didn't talk with her properly .

T/Mom nodded .

Then Yn came .

Yn : Mom , Dad . The lunch is ready .

They nodded and went with her .

After settling on the dinner table , they started eating .

T/Dad : Woah ! It's so delicious. You prepared all of this ?

Yn nodded with a smile .

T/Mom : Yes . We've got the best daughter in law.

T/Dad nodded with a smile . Yn just chuckled .

After eating lunch , they all settled at the couch .

T/Mom : So Yn ! Actually we've come here to discuss something with you important .

Yn : Yes Mom . Tell please .

T/Dad : I'm sure Tae has told you that he's married to you because of the position due to rules .

Yn nodded with hesitant.

T/Mom : Yn actually it's all a lie to get him married because he doesn't listen to us . And I know he isn't even interested into any relationship . But Yn I've a request .

T/Mom hold Yn's hand .

Yn gave a assuring smile .

T/Mom : Please be with him . He needs someone. I know you will able to make him a good and mannered person . Make him fall in love with you.

Yn : But Mom . He doesn't even talk with me nicely .

T/Dad : I know Dear . He never talks nicely with anyone . Please I beg you to stay with him .

Yn : You don't have to say like this . I'll try my best just for both of you .

T/Mom and T/Dad looked at each other with a smile .

T/Mom : You're our daughter ok. Feel free to anytime come to us when you feel low . We'll be always there with you .

Yn eyes became teary and she hugged T/Mom tightly and started sobbing.

T/Mom patted her back .

T/Mom : It's ok let it out . It will lessen up the pain .

After a while , Yn pulled away .

Yn : Thank you Mom for comforting me . I've never felt this much happiness .

T/Mom smiled and wiped her tears .

T/Dad patted her head .

T/Dad : Your tears are precious and you're really strong I know .

Yn smiled and nodded .

Yn : I promise I'll try my best .

She said with a smile .

Taehyung's parents smiled .

After a moment of spending time together, they bid their goodbye .

Meanwhile Yn was so much happy that she got the best in law's. Even though she was able to spend less time with them . But in this less time , the affection they showed for her was way too much enough for her .

She was thinking how Taehyung became like this when her parents are too nice .

Yn just shrugged off and kept thinking how to fulfill the request that they told to her .

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