Part 15

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Yn : I don't think it will work between us .

Taehyung felt a pang hearing those words.

Taehyung : W-why ?

Yn sighed and said .

Yn : Listen Taehyungshi . You marry to get the position right ? But it wasn't true . Mom and Dad lied to you about the rules . I've told them now they won't force you . Also you've gotten your position now you can divorce me .

Taehyung : Why ? ( Cracked voice )

Yn : You shouldn't waste your lifetime with the person whom you don't love .

Taehyung : D-dont you love m-me ?

Yn : It doesn't matter now .

Taehyung starting sobbing .

Yn looked up at the crying baby .

Yn : Hey Taehyungshi ! Why are you crying ? You don't have to spend your life with a useless girl like me . I know I'm just not adjustable. You don't have to feel bad .

Taehyung hugged her tightly and said .

Taehyung : Don't say like this . It hurts . Please don't leave me .

Yn : I don't want to but I have to ( tears started streaming from her eyes )

Taehyung : Ynnie Don't leave your taetae . I love you please . Don't you love me even a bit . I'm sorry for yelling at you . I'm sorry I didn't trust you . But please don't leave me .

Yn was shocked and happy to listen to his confession.

Yn : Hey ! Hey ! Stop crying .

Yn patted his back to calm her down.

Taehyung pulled away while sniffing cutely .

Taehyung : Don't you love me ?

Yn : I do love you but --

Taehyung : But what ? ( Sniffing )

Yn : You don't trust me how can I ----

Taehyung cut her off .

Taehyung : I just really sorry. I know you felt hurt and I also wasn't in my right mind . But please forgive your taetae ( Sniffing )

Yn : Then you've to win my heart again . ( Said smiling softly )

Taehyung pecked her lips and said .

Taehyung : Ok my love . ( Smiling )

Yn was shocked standing there while processing.

Taehyung chuckled seeing her nervous yet blushy state .

Taehyung : Yn-ah what happened ?

Yn : Nothing but are you drunk ?

Taehyung : No why ?

Yn : Then why are you acting like this . Last time when you get drunk you acted like that .

Taehyung was looking at her dumbfounded.

Taehyung : What do you mean ? Did I do something stupid ?

Yn : No just acting childish. ( She said giggling)

Taehyung also smiled seeing her happy face .

Taehyung : So did you like that taetae ?

Yn : Yeah . That was cute you know .

Taehyung : Ok then Kuchipooo~

He did an Aigoo .

Yn : Omo !!

She awed at him dramatically before brusting in laughter.

Taehyung : Do I look cute my wifeue !

Yn : Yes . ( Chuckling)

Taehyung then pulled her closer by holding her waist and she gasped at the closeness .

Yn : Wh-what are you doing ?

Taehyung : I did an Aigoo then a reward .

Yn : W-what reward ?

Taehyung : Grant me a kiss on the lips . ( Said in a husky voice)

Yn : Jinjaa !! This man's duality !!

Taehyung : Come on give me a kiss my love . ( Deep voice )

Yn felt burning sensation on her cheeks .

Taehyung pulled her more closer .

Yn looked down to hide her blushing face .

Yn : Yahh !!

Taehyung : Come on !! ( Smirking )

Yn looked up and got shocked when Taehyung smashed his lips on hers .

Yn gasped but soon melt in kiss and kissed him back .

They pulled away .

Taehyung : I love you my love hehe . ( With a cute smile )

Yn chuckled .

Yn : I also love you my cute baby bear .

Taehyung : I love that nickname .

Yn : Glad to hear that .

Taehyung : So I did win my wife's heart withing some minutes .

Yn : Because you're to cute to resist .

Taehyung : Hot also .

Yn : Yeah yeah !!

They chuckled while hugging each other tightly .

||| Meanwhile |||

T/Mom : Yahh! Give me the popcorn . Why are you enjoying alone I'm also here to enjoy the kdrama .

She said to her husband who was watching them like a kdrama with popcorns and also with other guards .

T/Dad : I'll give you chocolates after a few weeks now let me have some Popcorns alone .

T/Mom : Why chocolates ?

T/Dad : We're gonna be grandparents. It's good to eat chocolates after hearing a good news .

||| Happy Ending |||

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