Part 9

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Taehyung couldn't but practice the whole work time how he should propose her. 

||| Evening |||

Taehyung came early to propose her . So he directly went to his bedroom after searching the living room .

Taehyung was about to knock . But then .

Yn : How can I love him ? He's just a cold man .

Taehyung heart broke at the words . Then without  waiting further , he went away from there .

Before entering his home office room, he just threw the flowers in the dustbin which he bought for her .

He was just controlling hsi anger and decided to calm him down by himself in his office room .

||| Meanwhile |||

Yn : Woahhh ! How can she talk like that . She's just so cruel . So what if he's a cold man , she should love him right . After all he's cold but caring and also love her back . This story is really heartbreaking for the man . And you gurl, my husband is also cold but I fell for him you know .

Yn was reading a heartbreaking story loudly without knowing anything. 

She just finished and went down to make dinner .

Then Yn noticed the key cars and the guard which always stayed with Taehyung .

Yn : Did Taehyung come home ?

He asked the guard .

Guard : Yes ma'am it's been a few minutes , he had arrived .

Yn : Do you know where is he ?

Gaurd : Boss is in his office room .

Yn nodded and left for making dinner quickly.

After making dinner , Yn went to Taehyung's office room.

She knocked the door before getting in .

There she saw him focusing in his work. 

Yn : Taehyungshi !!

Taehyung didn't answer .

Yn : Taehyungshi !

Taehyung : Can't you see I'm working ? Why are disturbing me ? Just go out .

Yn was shocked at his sudden behaviour.

Yn : I've made dinner that's why---

Taehyung : I don't want to eat . Now Go!!

Yn nodded sadly  and went because she thought he was stressed because of work and she didn't want to stress him more.

Yn didn't eat her dinner and went to sleep .

Taehyung heart did clench for behaving rude again but he just couldn't focus on anything .

Then at midnight , Taehyung came and laid beside her .

Taehyung : I shouldn't talk rudely with you . I just can't angry on the fact that you don't love me . Who will love the cold jerk man I know I deserve it .

While saying a tear rolled down . He wiped it away and slept feeling frustrated.

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