Part 11

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Yn did a little chitchat with Yoongi and came outside from the cafe while bidding goodbye to Yoongi.

Obviously, she came all alone because she didn't like when some gurads would be around her . She felt uncomfortable.

Since she had enough time , she decided to walk around the nearby park .

She was sitting at the park when some man grabbed around before she could react or yell , they put handkerchief on her mouth and she fainted sue to the chloroform.

After she fainted those man brought her to their boss basement.

||| Meanwhile |||

Taehyung was working to forget about the incident then he received a phone call .

But he didn't receive it at first . But due to continuous ringing , he picked it up in annoyance.

Taehyung : What ?? ( In a rage voice)

?? : Ohh why so angry ? I didn't even tell you something yet .

Taehyung instantly recognised the voice and his eyes darkened.

Taehyung : What do you want ?

?? : My revenge .

Taehyung : You will never able to take any of that .

?? : Oh really ? So where is your pretty wife ?

Taehyung : Don't take my wife's name with your filthy mouth .

?? : What if my hands killed her then ?

Taehyung : What's the nonsense ?

?? : Come to the same basement where you killed my son . Your wife is also here . I can also kill her now but it'll be fine if I kill her Infront of you.

Taehyung cut the call immediately . Rage , fear, anger all rushed into his body .

He cursed under his breath before coming out from his office .

After some minutes , he reached the basement.

There he saw Yn was tied up in a chair . His heart clenched at the sight of Yn .

Then he felt a huge pain in his head . He hissed in pain .

Then he turned around saw ?? holding a gun and a bat .

Taehyung : How dare you Wang !!

Wang smirked .

Wang : Last time you saved from me but now who will save you ?

Listening to this Taehyung smirked and said .

Taehyung : Do you think I'm that weak and dumb ?

Wang : What can you even do you useless mafia ?

Taehyung brought his gun and put it on his head .

Wang chuckled and said .

Wang : Guards !!

Then a lot of guards came and put their gun on Taehyung and Yn .

Taehyung smirked seeing the amount of guards .

Taehyung : Seriously you thought I came without a backup plan .

Then Taehyung signalled someone and a double amount of guards came in and also Wang's guards pointed their guns on Wang .

Wang widened his eyes .

Wang : H-how ?

Taehyung : I've my own ways. ( Smirking )

Then Taehyung untied Yna and took her with him after saying to the guards that .

Taehyung : Take him to my basement.

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