Part 5

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||| Morning |||

Yn woke up and found Taehyung sleeping peacefully in her embrace .

Then she remembered things happened last night .

She chuckled at the thought of him acting cute and childish.

Then she sighed and went to bathroom.

After coming back , she saw Taehyung was still sleeping. So she thought of making him a hangover soup .

After a while , she came to her room with the soup . Then she slightly tap Taehyung's shoulder.

Taehyung whined because of the disturbance in his sleep .

Yn : Taehyungshi !! Wake up . You've work . Wake up .

After struggling a lot , she succeeded in waking up Taehyung .

Taehyung sat straightly and groaned because of headache .

Yn placed the soup in front of him and said .

Yn : Eat this . It will help you with your headache.

Then Yn went downstairs to make breakfast.

Taehyung : Aish ! I drank too much last night . But how am I ended up here . Shit! I can't remember anything. Wait a minute did I do something stupid or funny in front of her . I should ask her .

Yn was making breakfast when Tae came downstairs.

Taehyung cleared his throat gaining Yn's attention .

Taehyung : How did I come home last night ?

Yn : Jimin oppa brought you last night .

Taehyung : Did I do something which I shouldn't be done ?

Yn chuckled internally .

Yn : Yes .

Taehyung widened his eyes .

Taehyung cleared his throat again and said.

Taehyung : What did I do ?

Yn : You came and slept . ( She lied because she didn't want it to be awkward)

Taehyung gave ' Wtf ' look .

Taehyung : Whatever . ( Rolled his eyes ) Give me food fast . I've to go early . ( He said kinda in demanding voice )

Yn ( In mind ) : Again the rudeass came back in the world . Thank God he doesn't remember anything. Gosh !!

Yn : Arasso !!

After a few minutes , Yn served the breakfast and sat down .

After eating breakfast, Taehyung went away and Yn started doing her own work .

Yn : Should I make him lunch ? I should right ?

Yn sighed and went to make him lunch .

After finishing , Yn got ready and asked the driver to take her to Taehyung's office .

After reaching office , Yn asked the receiptionist about Taehyung's cabin .

The receptionist told her the floor and cabin no .

Then she went towards the cabin and knocked on the door .

Taehyung : Come in .

Yn entered the room .

Yn : Hello Taehyungshi !!!

Taehyung looked at her in a shocked and also don't care gaze .

Taehyung : Why did you come here ?

Yn : Umm. Actually , I thought to make you a lunch as you said you don't like maid made food and canteen food. That's why , I came here to give you the lunch .

Taehyung : Oh keep it on the table and you can leave .

Yn ( In mind ) : As expected !! Rude !!

Yn nodded and kept the lunch on the table .

Taehyung : Also don't need to come. Send the driver from tomorrow.

Yn : Oh ok .

Then she left .

Then Jimin came into his cabin .

Jimin : Hey Bro ! What's up ?

Taehyung : Good !!

Jimin : Did Yn come here ?

Taehyung : Yes why ?

Jimin : Just asking . I saw her outside that's why .

Taehyung just nodded focusing on his work .

Jimin : You should give her some time as you both are newly wedded. And bro , she's cute and mannered girl . You're very lucky to have her .

Taehyung : Whatever . I just don't care . ( Rolled his eyes )

Jimin : Rude jerk !! ( Whispered under his breath )

Taehyung : Did you say something ?

Jimin : Did you hear anything ? ( Mocking tone )

Taehyung : Tsk tsk .

Jimin : Tae listen . I think you should give this marriage a chance . I know lovey dovey isn't your type . Still you've to spend your whole life with her right ? Then why don't you think about that ?

Taehyung : I just don't have interest in that , ok ?

Jimin sighed .

Jimin : But at least think about what I've told you . Don't regret anything later .

Taehyung sighed and said .

Taehyung : Do you have work related topics to discuss? If not then you may leave . ( Irritating tone )

Jimin huffed and left while stomping his steps .

Taehyung : Let's just focus on work .

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