Part 13

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Taehyung then went to their bedroom for searching Yn but couldn't find her .

Then he searched everywhere in the house but didn't find her .

Now he was Hella worried.

Then he asked his guards and found she has gone outside . But they didn't where she had gone .

||| Meanwhile |||

Yn rang the doorbell and a maid opened the door .

As soon as the maid saw her , she bowed in respect .

Maid : Good afternoon Ma'am. Please come .

Yn came inside and saw T/Mom reading magazine sitting on the couch .

Yn : Hello Mom !

T/Mom looked up and smiled .

T/Mom : Hello Dear ! How are you ?

T/Mom came and hugged her . Yn also hugged her back feeling the warmth of a mother .

Yn : I'm fine . What about you ?

T/Mom : I'm fine .

Yn : Mom I've a request.

T/Mom : Yes dear .

Yn : Can I stay here for few days . I am getting bored in the house . ( She lied because she didn't want them to worry about anything )

T/Mom : You can always stay here . No need to ask .

Yn : Thank you Mom .

T/Mom smiled and they sat there while talking about random things.

On the other hand , Taehyung was getting worried as the time passed .

Taehyung : It was all my fault. She must be so sad . Where should I find her .

Taehyung tried to call you but you left your phone home .

Taehyung sat on the couch frustratedly .

That's when he received a call from unknown number .

Taehyung : Hello !

Yoongi : Hey Taehyung!

Taehyung : Yoongi hyung ?

Yoongi : Yes . Where is Yn ? Actually I called her many times but she didn't pick up.

Taehyung : Oh Yn ! She is sleeping.
( He lied )

Yoongi : Ohh ! I wanted to you both to know that the date of the marriage ceremony is changed . We took more one week to held that .

Taehyung : Marriage ceremony ?

Yoongi : Yes. Why ? Didn't Yn tell you yet ?

Taehyung : She might forget .

Yoongi : So me and Yara are getting married. To tell that I called Yn today to meet me at our regular cafe shop .

Taehyung : Oh . Ok hyung . I'll inform Yn .

Yoongi : Ok then .

Then they hung up the call .

Guilt more rushed through Taehyung's body .

Taehyung : Jimin was right . I should get to know everything before any conclusions. I even accused her about cheating. Why I'm so cruel .

Then Taehyung thought to wait for her to come back home .

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