Part 8

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Since that day , Taehyung never talk rudely with her neither he talked freely with her . He just talked what is needed to answer her.

Maybe the feeling of love was blooming . Not only for Taehyung but also for Yn . And the fun fact is that they both had a sense of it .

They didn't tell each other because .

Yn : He's cold . How can he have any feelings towards me ?

Taehyung : Yn is doing this just for responsibility as a wife nothing else .

Those thoughts made them stop from confession.

Taehyung left the home early for the meeting .

Yn : He will be late today so why don't I fulfill my wish .

Then Yn wore a cute crocodile costume and start dancing in con calma song in a cute way .

Yn was dancing with high volume so she didn't notice when the door got unlocked and her husband got inside .

Taehyung got inside and he was shocked seeing his wife in a new style .

Soon Yn finished and turned around only to get both shocked and embarrassed.

Yn : W-what are you d-doing here ? I mean you were at the meeting place right .

She said looking down because of embarrassment.

Taehyung came closer to her and said .

Taehyung : Why ? Can't I come to my own house ?

Yn : That's not what I was saying .

Taehyung : Hmm. By the way , I didn't know that the calm girl can be both crybaby and cute .

Yn widened her eyes meanwhile Taehyung moved away and went to his office to get his files for which he came for . Yn was still processing what he was saying .

After Taehyung left the house .

Yn : Argghh ! My dumb self . How will I talk with him after that !!! That's so embarrassing. Goshhh!!!

After yelling a bit , she calmed her down and went to make lunch .

||| Meanwhile |||

Taehyung was smiling like an idiot sitting at his office .

That's when Jimin entered and saw he was smiling and even didn't notice Jimin.

Jimin smirked .

Jimin : Bro ! Come to earth !! You can see Yn after going home . Now focus on work . ( With a smirk)

Listening about Yn , he couldn't but smile more .

Jimin : Bro ! Why so smiley smiley ? I thought you weren't interested in those .

Taehyung : Yeah I wasn't . But now I am . I fall for her somehow . But I'm just scared what if she refused me and said that I'm just a responsibility as a husband. What if she didn't like me as a person .

Jimin : Bro you can't jump into some useless conclusion before doing nothing . Just confess your feelings. Don't be coward .

Taehyung just smiled and nodded .

Jimin ( In mind ) : Yn did change him a lot .

Jimin : Ok so when are you going to confess your feelings ?

Taehyung : I was thinking tonight .

Jimin : Then you should go early today .

Taehyung : Yes you're right.

Then he smiled and focused on his works .

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