First session

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"Who's this?" Kim asked as soon as he saw the middle aged man sitting inside his apartment. Big glanced down on the floor for a moment before answering. 

"That's Doctor Park he's a top psychologist in the field, especially with..." he fidgeted uncomfortably behind Kim
"...Emotional trauma response" he ended.

"Why's he here?" Kim calmly spoke, but the edge in his voice made the other bodyguards flinch, and Big turned his gaze to the floor.

"Your Brother, master Kinn-"
"Kinn?" Kim scoffed, not believing him for even a second. 
"Kinn arranged this?" Did they take him for a fool? He scoffed again.
"Lies" his cold voice sounded and Big didn't dare make eye contact with him. 
"Who? Tankhun?" Kim pushed on, staring Big down, despite their little height difference. 

"You want a list?" Big spat back who, despite his words, was still uncomfortable. 

Kim didn't say anything and took a step back from Big, still looking his way. Clever of them to get the psychologist while he was out. 

"Forget it. I don't need therapy" and he took a step towards the apartment door "try my psycho cousin though",

Big stepped in front of the door, stopping right in front of Kim "He's already seeing a psychiatrist at the hospital" 

Kim only looked taken aback for a moment. "Interesting," he muttered.
When he didn't move, Big spoke 

"I'm sorry, but they ordered" 

"What's going to happen if I don't comply? How are you going to stop me with a cast?" Kim smugly asked, while Big only began to pull out a file, holding it out to Kim

"Master Kinn sends his apologies," Kim looked down at the file, reaching out when he saw the name 'Dr. Park'

"while Master Tankhun hopes you'll see this as an opportunity to open up 22 years of bottled-up emotions" he let out a deep breath 
"He booked a double session, knowing you would be skeptical." 

"And the more you try and fake you don't need it, Dr. Park will know" he added and Kim didn't say anything but stepped away from Big. 

"Just try, and if it doesn't work, no one will bother you again" Big persuaded on Tankhun and Kinn's behalf. 
"Okay. But make the other bodyguards leave. It's a private thing, right?" 

Big let out a sigh but nodded, and soon the only people left in the apartment were Kim, Big, and Dr. Park. 

Kim sat down on the couch in front of Dr. Park who had his notepad ready. He was like Kim, rather relaxed, controlled but warmer than Kim was. Then Kim turned to Big 

"Did they order you to listen?" He asked. Big tried to stay calm, unwavering. "They didn't want to risk you running off" 

"I could run off now if I wanted to, but I'm not." Kim threw back. "My business is my business. Go wait on the balcony or outside the apartment" Big hesitantly went to the balcony. That way he would be able to keep an eye on him still. Kim already felt more relaxed, yet not at all. Did they really expect him to open up to a stranger?


"So Kim" Park started out. "You don't believe you need therapy?"

"No" he coldly replied


"Because I'm okay. I don't see what's wrong with me" he paused for a moment

"I know they think I shut down my emotions but I don't." Kim calmly answered. He was okay. He was just in control of his emotions. He knew to be rational about things. Push his feelings aside when necessary. 

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