I'm winning this

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I once again, woke up in the middle of the night. It was that time of night where it feels a lot earlier than it actually is. I stared out the window looking at the stars. "One more day" i whispered "One more day, then I go home".

Is it weird that I'm honestly gonna miss this place? I've gotten used to it. That's what people do. they get used to things. We wouldn't survive if we didn't.

"Ugh, sleep. Come on, sleep" Sky was saying to herself. I smiled slightly. I'm also gonna miss the people. Well, some of them. Some I'll be glad to get away from. Like Chris.

I closed my eyes and pictured all the things I'm going to do with my million dollars.


I woke up to an airhorn. AGAIN. "Alex, Sky, Shawn, meeting area. NOW!" he said over the loudspeaker.

Sky had massive bags under her eyes "Did you sleep at all last night?" i asked her. She yawned "Nope. Not a wink."

"Relax" i said "The worst place you can come in is third. And third is pretty good, right?"

"I guess" she said.

We ran to the meeting area.

"today, I fire two of you out of a cannon, and then start my vacation" Chris said

"And you'll hand one of us a million dollars" Sky said, pointing to herself.

"I haven't forgotten Sky. I'm just focusing on the parts that bring me the most joy, m'kay?" Chris said.

"Have you decided what the challenges is in which I'll win with... be?" Shawn said, confusing everyone, especially himself.

"Yeesh, english much?" I asked him

"I am so do english much! Aw man..." he said.

"If I may continue" Chris said "this challenge is so demanding, that the lawyers insisted that each of you get a helper. Eh, it's not a terrible idea. I mean, maybe they can help us find your bodies".


"So, which past contestant would you like to have as a helper?"


Hmmmm, it would differ depending on the challenge... but I think Jasmine would have the best overall skill set. then again, I doubt Chris would let us choose our partners


"i choose Rodney!" Sky said.

"Choose?" Chris laughed "No no no no no no no".

Called it

"But you asked us who we'd-" Shawn said

"I know. I asked you who you wanted. I did that to be mean" Chris said "Your helpers will be selected thusly!". Chef wheeled in a monitor "When you press this button possible helpers will flash across the screen. Whoever's face it stops on is your helper". the screen landed on Sugar doing some weird pose.

We all shuddered "Can we decline to use a helper?" Sky asked meekly.

"No. But you do get one chance to pass and try again. Just for fun. Who goes first will be decided by a coin toss" Chris said.

"Um, how will that work with three of us-" Shawn asked. Chris threw a coin at him.

"Shawn wins! Let's see what you get zombie boy!"

Shawn spun through the helpers. It landed on Jasmine "Jasmine? Sweet! I'll stick with her!" he said happily.

Damn it.

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