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yeah there's no special little title for this chapter sorry im too eepy

Y/n wakes to an uncomfortable mattress, an almost empty, untidy, dirty and dusty room, truly a mockery of the imperial family, a complete and utter joke. The young girl groaned at the aches in her muscles, stretching, trying her hardest not to feel like rubbish, but still the gnawing, aching feeling still lingered. She understood why Claude detested her but even so. He's a total dickswab, not much else to say, she didn't know whether to pity him or despise him, but either way she needed a way out of this crappy palace... she knew she wouldn't be able to win Claude's affections as easily as Athanasia but she had to put some work in at the very least.

At least enough so he will not send her off to war. She didn't have many changes of clothes and they were all cheap fabric, likely hand me downs from Prim, who often sneaked in clothes, she tried to hide it but it's painfully obvious, especially compared to the clothes that the other no good maids had been forced to 'buy'
They bought tattered clothes it seemed, she wouldn't be surprised if they just grabbed them out of the trash. She felt a sting of annoyance, but such acts of the maids did not affect her too much, she just thought them to be an embarrassment really, quite sad of them to blame the actions of Philippa's mother on her, a child. It made her sigh, she couldn't wait to get back home.

Putting on the clothes Prim kindly gifted, she went off to do her usual routine, before grabbing her items and making her way outside, she had a feeling that painting she saw with Felix was important somehow, she felt drawn to it.

Y/n recalled the background events of Who Made Me A Princess faintly but she was beginning to let her mind slip, caught up in the fear of the future, and not thinking enough about past events.

She understood what she needed to do now though, she needed a reason for Claude to keep her around, she needed a way to prove herself, and to be able to protect Athanasia, and the rest of them.

She needed magic or mana... whatever it was called. She knows Philippa had it, after breaking the seal on her mothers portrait once she returned from war. There was never a description of the portrait but Y/n had a feeling the portrait she saw was the one Philippa's mother was trapped in.

When Philippa had returned, yearning for more power,  she found the portrait and tore it into shreds and destroyed the magical item that was behind the portrait. It seemed even the sword she recovered in war wasn't enough for her.

If she had found out about the seal before the war started a lot would've changed.. her mothers power was undoubtedly strong, and there was no way she'd be allowed in battle with her magic, she'd be unpredictable.

If must be Y/n would threaten Claude, but she'd need to build up her magic before that, so, this is the best shot at avoiding cannon fodder. Philippa may have pulled through physically
but Y/n.. she doesn't think she could mentally handle the aftermath for long, she's sure she'd try and strangle Claude as soon as she got back unlike Philippa who held off for years and planned meticulously. Her contempt for Claude only grew second by second.. she understood why he was this way but.. she couldn't excuse his actions, he's still held responsible in the end.

But he does deserve the chance to change. She only hopes Athanasia will smooth that dark magic of his over.

Y/n leaves her palace. Walking out into the meadow and sighs at the sight of the overgrown grass. When she first arrived she didn't notice how bothersome it was. But now that her dress is dragging through and getting caught, she feels like she could strangle whoever is responsible for this.

Clenching her teeth she pushes through. Until she reaches the edge of the meadow. The bushes separating the backyard from the pave-way tower over her smaller frame. She pushes her bonnet down attempting to avoid the bright rays of the sun. It's a good thing she doesn't have fancy dresses with many layers otherwise she'd be sweating like a pig in a steakhouse. Despite the overbearing heat she was glad to get out. Only issue is she did not have a carriage. Her feet were surely going to be sore after this. Hearing a shout of her name, Y/n looks up in search. Prim bounces over to her happily. "Princess!"

"So sorry I'm late!" She says exasperated, wiping her forehead. Y/n giggles "You alright?" She places a hand on Prim's shoulder. Prim nods her face pink. "Honestly. You'd think to slow down, hm?" She shakes her head, grabbing Prim's hand.

"I'd rather you were late than on deaths bed, Prim. Don't worry about it." She smiles "Now."

"Let's make our way to the emperors palace, yeah?"

"Yeah." She smiles softly back at the princess, holding onto her hand just a little tighter. Prim felt so blessed to be by her side. That warm feeling of friendship bubbling up in her chest. Her entire being relaxing and the two spend the rest of their travel in a comforting silence. Not once letting go of one another's hand.


When Y/n finally arrived Claude was nowhere to be seen. Though she supposed she shouldn't have hoped for him to be the first to greet her anyhow. She knew that wasn't in his character to do so, but she still hoped. Even for the littlest of signs that he was not entirely a cold tyrannical emperor. She held back an exhausted sigh, as the maid who greeted her as she arrived led her to the emperor. The maid walked behind her strictly not letting Y/n out of her sight. Likely because she expected her to cause trouble... she had not even let Prim through and ordered her to go back.

As if she or Prim could possibly do something terrible in this situation. Y/n almost laughed. The maids were far too paranoid in this palace but, Y/n supposed she'd be paranoid too, if she were working for Claude. Not that she isn't already, but she gotta have some plot armour...


.....Guess she'll just have to cling onto Athaansia if not.

Once Y/n and Miss Maid reached the entrance. The maid knocked on the door twice lightly, greeted the emperor with a polite smile, and then Y/n was left alone with Claude.

She almost wished that maid had stayed, but the moment Claude excused her, she scurried away like a rabbit..

Y/n could not even shame her for this. Claude is far too unapproachable.. not even just because of his personality but because of the fact that he is quite literally a homicidal maniac... Y/n tried and failed to hide a shiver as she met his cold, apathetic eyes.

"Your majesty."

Y/n is the first to greet as she takes a seat across from Claude and mentally prepares herself.

i drew a little sketch of prim for funsies

i drew a little sketch of prim for funsies

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she look silly :3 might finish later

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