3 - the maids, childhood and questions

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"I am at your service m'lady." A lady with shoulder length black hair bowed to Y/n, along with about 40 other maids that somehow cramped into the room. Nervously Y/n placed the book down and stood up silently. Quite a few tensed at her movements afraid that she would burst out with anger. "H-hello." Fumbling with her fingers Y/n stuttered slightly, most would find their hearts fluttering at such a sweet girl but the maids seemed shocked perhaps even disgusted however the maid with black hair didn't react to the girl whatsoever and immediately moved towards the wardrobe and then snapped her fingers at the maids, who flinched before moving to the young girl. Y/n curiously watched as two maids guided her towards a bathroom.

Once inside the maids sat Y/n down and began to run a bath. "What are youse doing?" Y/n asked tapping a maid with black hair on the shoulder, the maid tensed but smiled, somewhat forcibly "Running a bath of course, is there something wrong Miss?" The maid asked looking almost afraid. Y/n shook her head in reply before biting her nail thinking "Umm.. do I have a schedule I could view?" She asked, the maid looked annoyed for a second but smiled a moment later "Of course." She said before walking off. "Damn brat, making me move around so much." The maid muttered leaving the room. Y/n felt somewhat upset despite the care she was getting from the maids. Rubbing her arms Y/n felt herself feeling cold in the steam filled room.

When the bath had been done, Y/n was stripped and then plopped into the bath by the maids who quickly left the bathroom. The bath was warm and smelled nice. Y/n enjoyed playing with the light blue petals that filled the bath but it wasn't the same as the duckie she had back home. Sighing Y/n looked around the room, from the marble walls to the floor and for a moment to the veil that separated her from the door. Hearing voices Y/n's typical curiosity took over and she moved to the door peering from behind

"Doesn't the princess seem different than usual?" Maid A said to Maid B "If you mean by less bratty than yeah." Maid B laughed, "Honestly I'm happy she didn't start her act today. I don't think I can take her cocky attitude anymore." Maid B said causing Maid A to laugh "Exactly! Who does she think she is? She's been long forgotten by now yet she still has the nerve to boss us around!"

'Philippa... has been forgotten?' Y/n turned back around. Her back facing the wall, but this was never in the book! Y/n bit her nails nervously, it was a bad habit of hers. Philippa has been described as the perfect princess. Blessed with looks, intellect and the adoration of the whole of Obelia.. there were some that envied her but other than that she was loved by many. Well except she was cold and often treated maids as objects. Just things that were used for her own wants and needs. Which reminds me. I don't believe the author mentioned what she was like as a child and how she came to be the person she was. The link to her childhood did not exist and nothing was mentioned of her as a child.. it was only when she became 12 years old that she begun to pop up in the Manhwa..Y/n moved back to her bath that had turned slightly cold sighing as she slipped into the bath.

"Miss." A minute later a voice came from behind her. Jumping slightly she turned around to see the maid from before "Your schedule." Y/n shakily took the schedule, surprised at the shock from before "Thank you.." Y/n smiled and the maid scoffed before walking away.. Y/n was certainly in for a ride, she thought to herself. I wonder how Athy is doing..? She mused before reading the schedule before her.

Far off in the emerald palace Athanasia De Alger Obelia sneezed while searching for choco, she wiped her nose with a handkerchief before scrunching her brows in wonder 'Is someone thinking about me?' She thought before going back to her business.

- haven't proofread so expect mistakes!! ;u;

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