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"Your majesty."

Y/n greets Claude.

Claude returns the greeting.


Y/n almost pops a blood vessel. Ah, what a kind man. What a lovely father! Gosh it's no wonder Athanasia was terrified, even an interaction such as this one can be so utterly draining.

"My name is Philippa." She says still keeping the same polite smile on her face, the smile was purely a formality though, and did not reach her eyes.

Truthfully Y/n did not have the necessary acting skills, nor cared enough to actually put effort into this little charade, of a father daughter relationship.

Claude looked down at Y/n, resting leisurely on the sofa across from her. Before looking away his gaze seeming to lose focus.

"Your name ought to be changed." He scoffed. Looking reminiscent, perhaps he was thinking of Philippa's mother and how much he envied her. For being able to bear her own child and live. I'm sure if he had the opportunity he would take her mothers blessing and bestow it upon Diana. I could not blame him, though it's a selfish thing to wish for, it's also very human of him. Better he has human wants and needs and emotions rather than who he became after Diana died. When he killed all those people in Ruby Palace, and then abandoned the daughter Diana had gave her life for. He's a terrible, albeit human person.


"What would you suggest, your majesty?" Y/n inquired, slowly drinking from her teacup.

"Name yourself, it won't mean anything in the end." Claude uttered the words like a stony verdict, his gaze cold and unwavering as he looked at Y/n. "At least not when you are buried in the ground."

Dude.. really?

Y/n's face contorted into an annoyed grimace that went unnoticed by Claude as he spoke; it would have been clear to anyone else that this was not something appropriate to say to a child, let alone your own child, mind you! but for him, there was no consequence of saying those words. Ah the joys of being an emperor, you can quite literally say and do anything!

His eyes finally returned to meet hers as if nothing had happened; "I do not care about something as meaningless as your name. But noble society, they will." He said again with unyielding intent. "You will listen to me and change your name. That woman damned you the moment she named you Philippa."

Claude spoke harshly, as if he expected an argument from Y/n. The suggestion of a potential name change left a sense of unease in her and she imagined that Philippa would have been livid at the prospect. She bowed her head slightly in acquiescence, but inside she was torn between shock and outraged disbelief.

Having her identity stripped from her.

Having the only gift her mom gave her before she committed.

But Y/n,

She's not Philippa.

She knows that in a way she is betraying her but she must do what it takes to survive.

Until she is capable of standing above Claude, or perhaps standing with him, and Athanasia.

She was uneasy, knowing she must be strong to withstand Claude's power. Sacrificing her beliefs and life temporarily was necessary to survive, although it took its toll.

Strength was mandatory until the moment arrived when Claude could no longer suppress her, then peace within herself could be restored.

Truthfully Y/n was conflicted.

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