10 - idk what to title whoopsies

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Y/n had honest to god. Never expected the one and only Felix to be related to prim, which annoyed her since it was so painfully obvious

1) red hair!!
2) like a puppy

Me: *slaps reader* no swearing!

Apart from that surprise Y/n continued to update regularly in her notebook on what was going around her. Though apart from meeting Athanasia and finding out Prim and Felix are related there wasn't much else interesting happening.
Y/n heaved out a sigh tossing her notebook onto the table before a knock came at the door. Y/n jumped in surprise slightly, she hadn't been expecting anyone "You may enter." She called out as coldly as possible, Y/n decided to follow along with Philippa's personality though it came out horribly and she seemed more like a traumatised child who had lost the ability to feel than a terrifying beast that turned into a cold blooded murderer though even then, that was way out of the boundary for a 10 year old child unless it was some sort of psycho and Y/n wasn't..... well, at least she thought so ahahaha-

"Roger Alpheus here to greet the princess.." a maid called out before a man in a suit stepped inside, greeting the princess with no regard to her status.

"Philippa." He nodded at her.


'What a bastard.' She thought... uh.. okay well maybe that was too harsh. He hadn't even done anything but greet her and she was already-

Shut up author he's a bastard.

Um.. ok I'll let you take the lead then Miss Y/n... sweating nervously the author turned to her corner and hid in it as per usual.

Y/n was furious at the man, she almost let it show too, but she refused to. He was a sly bastard alright, she really did have nothing against him but the fact that he used Philippa, Athanasia and Jennette to get Anathasius off his back just reeked with cowardice. Those two suffered because of him along with everyone else, she wanted to stuff that lying mouth full of dirt. The man himself walked himself straight in and plopped himself down on the seat at Y/n's table, no formal greeting. Nothing, he walked in there like he owned the place. Y/n sighed mentally, she wasn't sure how long she could pretend to be nice for. After all her temper was easily teared down

Even so Y/n smiled politely, sat herself down on the other seat and folded her hands together, afraid that she would accidentally slip and punch him straight in the nose. "What brings you here today Mr Whi-" Y/n coughed before she let that name slip out.

"Mr Alpheus." She finished, he cocked a eyebrow at this "Is there a problem with your health?" He asked after hearing her cough, it was clearly out of convenience though. "Thank you for your concern but I'm perfectly fine." She said her voice coming off a little harsher than she meant to. Alpheus seemed irritated at the attitude Y/n gave back but pushed that to the back of his mind and slid a envelope across the table towards Y/n, she took a hold of it out of instinct but didn't make any move to open it.

Mr White smiled. "I've came with an invitation to the Alpheus residence, I figured the princess would do well if she met another person her age no?" Like hell I would, I'm in my teens, I don't want to be around any pesky toddlers. If I'm here just to babysit then I don't want anything to do with that child of yours. Sure Ijekiel was cute, but he was the protagonist. She can't interfere with that.

"It must be lonely all by yourself here." Y/n sighed at Mr whites blatantly obvious scheme, I'm guessing this is a ploy to get Philippa closer to Ijekiel. The said man smiled, yet it failed to reach his eyes.

"The invitation is scheduled for tomorrow. Ijekiel will be pleased to meet you after such a long delay, this time I'd advise you follow through on the invitation princess. It's not wise to spend your youth wasting away in this palace like your mother."

Y/n's blood turned cold.

he has the nerve to order me around? The mutt even dared to speak about Philippa's mother. That girl surely would have blown a fuse by now.

Y/n laughed "and when did I ever imply it was alright for you to make decisions on my behalf?" Mr White froze at Y/n's stone cold expression. Walking towards him her glare only got fiercer "Not only that but you dare order me? I will visit your residence whenever I feel like it."


"Get out. If I ever hear you make such demands again I'll have your head."

Like hell she was going to let him have his way. Instead Y/n would spend her precious weekend reading the novels- *cough* educational books she got from the library :)

break time!

Author: I sense a bit of anger issues here 😗

Y/n: *blinks innocently* whatever do you mean dearest author? 😇✨ *sharpens knife in innocence*

Author: how scary...

Y/n admitted, she may have overreacted there, she was usually so calm so how come she let that mans petty words get to her? She felt as if she was getting closer to becoming Philippa every day, at first she would just act but recently... it hadn't been an act but instead on instinct. She was afraid of the sudden change within her. It was true that suddenly ending up in this world had affected her quite a bit it seems she underestimated the effect it had on her. Really, she saw this world as a game of some sort. She didn't feel afraid at all anymore, rather she was excited somehow. Which was ridiculous right? She should be aching to go home, but now all she felt was boredom at this dream. She wanted nothing more than to be in control of her fate, of her actions, everything. Her life too. As soon as she could she'll leave the palace. Unlike Athanasia, it was far too clear that she was not welcome and even if she did make a place for herself like Athanasia, she wouldn't be content. After all it was clear that Claude was not made for love. He had far too little love in his body to give to her and Athanasia at the same time.. but even then Y/n may have no choice but to fight for that position just as Athanasia had to..

Y/n sighed, she had to take her mind off it for now. Worrying over this would not result in anything pleasant. It'd just make her more paranoid. So, she pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind and opened her first book

By the time it got dark she'd only been through a quarter of the books she had, sighing she took a look around the room "Looks like it's becoming a library at this point." She said laughing lightly

I'm deleting wattpad soon so this ain't getting updated, if you'd like me to post the plot/end though then I'll do so. I at least managed to write down what the plan was

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