8 - the library, books and the princess

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Overall Y/n was yet again in awe at this world. She'd be lying if she said she didn't enjoy this even a little bit. The library had everything she could think of and more, but she didn't come here for a reading spree after all, she just had to wait till Prim came along. She figured that'd take a while though considering how big this place is, apparently you could even get lost on the way to the library and considering the fact that Primrose managed to wander away from Y/n on the way to Athy's she wouldn't be surprised if the maid was in a rut at the moment.. but even so, Y/n had decided it'd be a better idea to take a look around instead of sitting on her backside all day, plus Felix urged her to look about with him and in the end the girl couldn't refuse, for his puppy eyes were too powerful for her.

And it seemed like they had a book for everything. Y/n wanted to check out the section for older kids or people in training for battle. After reading the novel Y/n was sure that she'd need to learn how to wield a blade at the least, otherwise she's dead meat. This went unnoticed by many people as the main focus was Athy's life and the people around her but over the years there was a single war that took many lives. Philippa had been sent off to war by Claude in order to prove herself worthy, despite her being unable to use magic she was very skilled at fighting and obtained a divine weapon. A manifestation of magic, while it wasn't her own magic, the sword accepted her as it's master after many trials and hardships. It was a very unstable magic item though and eventually corrupted her with dark and gruesome thoughts, which eventually led her to acting on her thoughts without any sense of what was the right or wrong thing to do. Y/n wasn't very keen on that happening to her but she still had to learn how to fight. After all there were many, many problems Philippa ran into, she didn't want to die because of that girl.

But anyways, Y/n had to find a way out of this situation, looking over at Felix with caution she saw that he was preoccupied and grabbed the chance to slip away. The latter barely noticed the smaller girl swoop behind one of the shelves and dash off and continued to chat with a visitor.

Honestly Y/n wasn't sure where to start, after all she never anticipated to be in this sort of situation but she knew she had to do something, anything to give her a chance at survival! She'd decided long ago that she wished to live on, whether it was under the palaces care or by herself. As long as she could make it back one day..

With one look at the ticking grandfather clock she realised she didn't have much time until Prim came for her as well as Felix, Y/n shook off the thoughts of home and the future, rushing over to the various bookcases and grabbing whatever caught her interest. In the end she was left with a gigantic pile of books, trying to carry them in her arms she stumbled a little and fell to the floor with a thump, causing the books to fly everywhere, Y/n groaned at this, "I'm so clumsy!" she grumbled, kneeling down to pick up a book and reaching out only to stop after noticing another hand reach for one of her books. Y/n froze her eyes refusing to look up, nervous to discover just who the person was. "...are you alright?"

Y/n hesitantly looked up, her eyes meeting the one and only Athanasia de Alger Obelia

oh boyyyy guess who frickin updated!! Yup it's me, who disappeared for idk how long lmao, I suck at writing so I've been gone for a bit tryna get myself together! And I finally produced this trash.... im going to try my best to get back into writing though as it's been a while. Istg though I haven't been slacking, I have a bunch of drafts I made for potential future chaps/scenarios and etc though they'll probably be scrapped.. other than that though! I hope u all had a great Christmas & (late) happy New Year!!

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