6 - the plan, the execution and the surprise

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- may be a few mistakes here and there!! pls excuse them for now im a bit tired :,D

Y/n had fully decided. She'd do whatever it took to survive just like Athanasia. Plus since she's in the same boat as her it'd definitely make everything more durable. But even so Y/n wasn't sure how to go around this.. she had no idea how to even come in contact with Athy! Plus she didn't want to give Athanasia a bad impression.. "Hey Prim?" Y/n called out, Primrose who was at the other end of the table looked up "What is it princess?" Y/n fumbled nervously "Um.. do you perhaps know how to impress someone you like..?" Y/n looked at the scarlet haired maid nervously with a small blush, Y/n couldn't imagine what would happen if she were to embarrass herself.. she really wanted to be friends with Athy.. not just because of her position but also because of her personality in general, ever since she read the novel and manhwa she'd been mesmerised by Athanasia. On the other hand Primrose was thinking of the complete opposite 'Princess has a boy she likes!?'

"Princess!" Primrose stood up all of a sudden her face as red as a tomato and ran to Y/n grabbing her hands. "I'll do whatever it takes to get that person to like you alright?!" She said rather loudly, Y/n was stunned she'd never seem Prim this worked up "R-really?" Starting to get excited Y/n smiled at Prim almost killing her with cuteness.. Regaining her senses Prim smiled back "Of course! I'll do anything for princess! Especially if it helps her get closer to her loved one"

Y/n was confused at the mention of "her loved one" but smiled widely

"I love you Prim!"

"Eh!? Wait Princess please don't hug me! It's forbidden!!"

Beautifully combed hair, soft skin and big diamond eyes. She put hard work into making her look as beautiful as ever today. After all she planned to meet Athy for the first time! She was beyond excited. She was ecstatic! She couldn't wait to meet her though she hoped her encounter with Athanasia would turn out for the best, she wouldn't want to get on the heroines bad side of course. She smiled nervously playing with her hair

Primrose also popped in with a few new items here and there and she came back looking muddy as ever... Y/n was shell shocked after seeing her come back. But Primrose claimed she was alright and that she did what she had to do to get Y/n's dresses and accessories.. of course that made Y/n concerned but what's the worse that could happen right? If only she knew Primrose went against a bunch of maids to get them... poor Prim *sigh*

Other than Prim's suspicious adventures to the storage rooms Y/n had a good idea on where Athy's palace was. Now she just had to figure out now to get there.. fun, maybe if she wandered around she could someone find it.....? Nah. She might just walk into a beasts den at that rate and there are no maps... sighing Y/n flopped onto her bed watching as Primrose sewed up one of the tattered dresses. 'Wait.. what about Prim?'


"Yes princess?" She stopped putting down the needle and thread "How long have you worked in the palace?" Y/n asked curiously. "Well.. I was born within the palace, why do you ask princess?"

"Well...do you perhaps know where the ruby palace is?" Y/n asked, Prim paused "The ruby palace?"

"Sure, everyone knows where that is." Prim smiled raising a brow, wondering what Y/n was planning


"Mind doing me a favour?" Y/n smiled

Turning a corner here and there Y/n and Prim headed for the ruby palace as briskly as they could. It turns out Prim hasn't been to the ruby palace in a few years and so her memory was quite hazy but it was a little too late to turn back by now, especially since there are maids almost everywhere and not only that there are a few guests within the grounds.

Y/n of course was unsure whom those people were, the maids refused to tell Y/n news that came outside of her palace, just like they did with Philippa's mother, the news of Charlotte's newborn child was discarded as nothing but a rumour passed around by the maids, that was until Philippa had met Claude in person. He almost hadn't recognised the girl too, and if he hadn't she would have lived on without being noticed at all, and forgotten in an abandoned palace exactly like her mother. While Y/n didn't want to be put in a bad situation she still wouldn't want to be left alone trapped in this palace.. getting lost in her thoughts Y/n's gaze traveled down to her red shoes, that shone in the suns bright rays. She failed to notice the man just a few steps ahead of her and bumped right into him falling on her backside..

- just so you know Charlotte is Philippa's mother I mentioned her name once or twice but I figured some people may have forgotten so ye,,

- update: changed a bit of the plot so it'd work in the future,,

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