11 - the sun, the accomplice and the father

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Falling asleep that night and looking back Y/n wished she had done something different almost constantly. Raised by two well off people she had almost no worries in her life and spent most of her days lazing around, she wished she could rid herself of all the memories she held and live her days peacefully not ever looking back to the day she lost her sister...

Before Y/n knew it she had awoken. The bright rays of the sun burning her eyes, she'd been inside for far too long... maybe it was a good idea to get out once in a while, but even the thought of coming across Claude made her sick to the stomach. Even if she had managed to keep a calm appearance last time she still feared him, he was like a ticking bomb. That could set off at any given moment. Y/n got up from her bed slowly, stretching her limbs before walking over to the marble table sat in the middle of her room, the letter the mutt gave her still remained there, untouched

"Well.. I might as well give them a visit." She muttered to herself, 'I imagine it must be terribly boring with such a plain father.' Smiling Y/n opened the letter and read the contents.

Y/n had to admit, Ijekiel truly was an adorable child. Which, she knew she shouldn't be going soft, but he was unbearably bright. He was like the sun, but less painful to look at. Even when he was stumbling over his words. She felt bad all of a sudden for expecting him to be like his father, he was simply a child like herself. She had nothing to fear, at least she hoped so. With Roger Alpheus as his father, she would naturally expect not to make an impact on his life, but even so she hoped he would turn out okay in the end, prayed for that even! She knew just how much damage can be done within a family, bitterly thinking back on her dear sister.

She almost teared up truthfully, but she willed the hurt away and smiled down at the younger child.

"I've heard much of you from my father, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, your grace." Ijekiel mumbled shyly

He hadn't come into his charming self yet, still a young thing. Stepping out into society, making friends, well more like colleagues she supposed considering how many snakes there are in this world.. she chucked lightly at him "Oh, that's alright, you don't need to call me that." She smiled kindly, his face slightly red avoiding eye contact when their eyes met. She smiled amused. She was only a few years older but he still seemed to be intimidated..

"You can just call me Y/n, it is what my friends call me." She patted his shoulder hoping it would calm the other. "Y/n? I thought you were named.. Philippa..?" he trailed off unsure of his words "Well yes.. that is the name I received, but honestly it's kinda lame right?" She laughed "I mean."

"Who in the world, names their kid 'Lover of horses'" She laughed heartily, honestly finding the name to be one of the silliest things. She did have a horse phase in her youth actually.. so its kinda like the universe taunting her to be fair..

Ijekiel seemed surprised at her easy mood, she suppose he had heard the rumours, wouldn't even be surprised if Mr White talked shit behind her back.. excuse her language please!

"And! I received an even better one from someone very dear to me, so Y/n it is." She smiled, Ijekiel looked up, his anxiety softening at the kind laugh, "You may call me Kiel then Princess Y/n." He brightened. She was grateful he opened up slightly, thank god she didn't have to deal with him as a teen!

The fancy people often spoke in riddles in the manhwas she read, it was like learning a whole new language, and she could barely keep up with it unlike many other unfortunate folk who reincarnate, isekai, transmigrate, whatever it's called!

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