5 - the memories, the hardships and her strength

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Y/n searched through ravines, flower beds and a palace covered in leaves and dust but whatever she was looking for in this dream didn't seem to be anywhere. Somehow.. she felt as if something was calling out to her, she felt as if a key to something was missing. Maybe a memory, or maybe something more than that.. Y/n wasn't sure despite being in this place, in this very same room one too many times. It was only a matter of time before he came.

There it was. The knocking on the door. The man dressed in nothing but robes. A distraught and saddened expression plastered on his beautiful face..

"You did this..."

"You and ??? were behind this weren't you? You bitch.."

Those cold eyes.. they were enough to make me shiver in fear. But the woman I was held within, didn't feel anything.. Except from sadness.. and pity for the man before her

"Do you really think I would curse my best friend, [???] I-"

Once again my eyes opened. Right when the woman was about to say something. I felt as if it was important. But no matter what when it got to that point. It ended, I never heard the woman's confession.. 'I can't breathe..' gagging I clenched onto my neck tightly, it felt as if there was a huge sweet lodged in my throat.


Primrose came running in dropping the basket she held onto the floor, the loud noise made me cover my ears as I'd just woke up. It felt like I was on fire, a hot sensation emitted from my chest heating up my body. "P-prim.." Coughing I leaned onto Prim's chest. Her cold hands made me feel much better than before.

"Did you have that nightmare again?" She asked worried. "Not only that but your burning up!" She said placing her hands onto my face, I almost fell asleep at the cold sensation. "C-can you get some some ice please..?" I said tiredly. "Ah. Right! Of course! Wait here please Princess!" She fumbled placing me down and running out the room.

I sighed, this is the third time that I've gotten a fever this week, I'm so tired of it but I have found a way to make it a bit more durable, ice is easily able to calm the heat along with stabilising my breathing, it seems that the fevers only hit when I'm afraid, this is most likely due to Philippa's condition, she wasn't very strong when she was younger so she often spent most days inside, though.. this doesn't feel like a simple weakness it's as if something is pushing to get out of my chest. I know that Athy had problems due to her mana.. could this be similar...?

No, no it couldn't be.. after all I wasn't born in this world, just replaced.. just where is Philippa? Is she dead? She couldn't be right!? I can't stay here forever! I have to go back home!!

Y/n found herself panicking again her face turning bright red, and smoke coming out her mouth, she felt as if she was burning and couldn't help but start sobbing. 'Why?' She thought to herself 'Why am I here?'

By the time Prim was back Y/n managed to calm the raging fire in her chest and had fully dressed herself. "Princess.. are you okay?" Prim asked after catching her breath still panting a bit, the palace was very vast after all. It had took the young girl half an hour to get back to the princess, Y/n smiled sombrely, forcing a smile "I'm alright?" She said, though it seemed more of a question than anything, was Y/n really alright like this? Having an unknown illness and pushing through despite all these worries?

"Are you sure? It certainly doesn't sound like you are.."

Prim looked so worried, too worried for Y/n's liking. The last thing she wanted was to be seen as weak despite the fact that she was so young. She didn't want to end up like the original Philippa or Athanasia no, she wants nothing to do with that ending. She wanted to go on, no matter how rough the road was. She'd push and push, until she broke free from the chains that held her down. She'd do exactly that.

And make Philippa de Alger Obelia her own identity.

- proofreading later uwu

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