7 - the king, his knight and the library

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Before the smaller girl knew it she was on her backside staring up at an unfamiliar yet familiar face, Claude... Y/n had froze her mouth dropping in fear, 'Why did I have to run into him of all people!?' she didn't move a muscle, tensing up as she watched the older man scan her face, she saw a glint of emotion within that mans eyes. "How unsightly." Claude began, honestly Y/n wasn't interested in what the man had to say about her but she had no choice but to get up from the ground and brush down her dress lightly "Blessings and glory to the sun of Obelia.." Y/n said bowing with grace, trying her best to quirk a soft smile Y/n sweated nervously, her face becoming red at the anger she felt, it seemed that Claude mistook this as embarrassment though and took some humour from that, honestly what a weirdo.. "And who might this.. thing be?" Claude asked his comrade Felix Robane. Looking towards the girl Felix's eyes widened in shock, Felix got on one knee bending down to Y/n's height "Excuse me miss, but could you perhaps be Charlotte de Alger Obelia's daughter?" Felix asked Y/n

Y/n froze, unsure of how to reply, she wasn't that woman's daughter yet she was at the same time.. she knew very well who her parents were and they certainly weren't Charlotte or Claude de Alger Obelia. But as of now she was seen as the young princess and Y/n figured it'd only bring more trouble if she denied being the princess. "Yes, I am." Y/n said with confidence. Claude's pupils dilated for a split second before he glared fiercely at the younger girl "So you're that woman's daughter." Claude scoffed.
Y/n could already tell he didn't like her, sweating internally Y/n smiled brightly, not knowing what to say "Do you even know who I am?" Claude asked the younger girl, Y/n smiled nervously, Athy's route to tame Claude would be fairly easy plus acting sweet is Y/n's specialty.. but Y/n's blood boiled at the thought of sucking up to this man.

Y/n thought for a second, before it hit her, Philippa was an intelligent girl, who was very mature and knew exactly how to manipulate a bad situation, she never showed a speck of weakness or her emotions. In that way she caught Claude's attention, but her downfall was her hatred. Y/n figured if she treats Claude the same way Philippa did she'd survive, well as long as she didn't try to murder the guy..

"Of course, You're his highness Claude de Alger Obelia, it's nice to finally meet you."
Y/n smiled politefully in return to Claude's glare. Unfazed by the girl he looked at her thoughtfully. Y/n felt sweat trail down her cheek. "You're strange." Claude spoke bluntly
Y/n laughed nervously in return to that remark "In what way?" Y/n asked him "You look like a child yet you act far more mature than any normal brat." He glared basically looking into Y/n's soul, she almost thought he knew her secret but snapped herself out of it, there's no way he could know she isn't who she seems to be.. right?

A moment of silence passed before Claude sighed in annoyance "It's no matter, Felix guide the princess back to her palace." He ordered Y/n's mouth dropped wide open, "W-wait!" She said, Claude raised a brow "What? Do you have a problem with my knight escorting you back?" Claude threatened her, Y/n smiled nervously "Of course not! It's just that my maid was escorting me elsewhere." She said pointing behind her

Claude looked behind Y/n "What maid?" He asked, Y/n froze looking back seeing no sign of Prim in her sight. Y/n almost had a heart attack, where in the world could the maid have gone to?! "A-ah.. it seems.. that I've been separated from my maid.." Y/n turned towards the two men. Claude thought for a moment before he came to a conclusion "Felix will escort you to your destination then."

Felix? Drop me off at the Athanasia's palace? There's no way he'd take me there.. 'what should be my excuse then?' Y/n thought, without Prim to guide her back to the palace she was a lost cause, suddenly Y/n remembered what Prim had said to her before they left.

"If we are to get separated then meet me at the library." Prim said "It's very big so you should be able to find it with ease."

Y/n smiled, right! If she goes there she'll find Prim, plus she can get more information from that place. "Where are we off to then princess?" Felix smiled "The library!" Y/n said

Passing by a few buildings Felix and Y/n made their way towards the library, eventually reaching the building, and as expected Prim was spot on, the entire building was bigger than Y/n's palace completely. Y/n was speechless, stopping as soon as she saw it, it looked like it was made out of gold and shone far too bright for Y/n's delicate eyes

"What's the matter princess?" Felix asked quirking a brow, Y/n sighed "It's nothing.." she smiled in return "It's just surprising at how big this place is." She said "It's far bigger than anything I've seen in my life, even bigger than my palace!" Y/n exclaimed Felix said nothing but listened intently with a soft smile "I wonder if there are any secret passageways, I mean.. I certainly wouldn't be shocked if there were. Claude is loaded after all." Y/n laughed Felix didn't understand the last remark but smiled anyways, "Now that you mention it, I do believe there is a few short cuts within this building." Felix said looking towards Y/n.

This got Y/n excited clenching her fists she looked up at Felix with excitement in her eyes "Really?!" Y/n exclaimed, Felix chuckled "If you want we can take that route to the library." Felix said humouring the girl "Yes let's go!" Y/n said hyped up, Felix moved towards a painting depicting a woman with fiery red hair, that appeared to be in flames, along with wielding a gold sword. Felix paused and turned to Y/n urging her to come over, he whispered something towards the painting that not even Y/n could hear, she saw the painting nod and jumped in surprise.  The woman took notice of her and smiled genuinely, Y/n watched the painting shift back into is place and become still once more "Who is she?" Y/n asked, Felix looked uncomfortable before smiling in return "You'll find out eventually princess." He said.

Y/n was about to ask what he meant but couldn't before the painting slid aside slowly, Felix was rather silent for the rest of the way, a thoughtful look on his face. Eventually the pair made their way into the library, Y/n was yet again shocked by the size and the amount of books there was, like really.. this isn't an understatement, the bookshelves towered over the two of them yet there was still a second floor "Make sure to stay by my side princess, it's easier to get lost in here rather than outside."

They really didn't spare any space huh?

- short I know but I'm running low on inspiration but as long as I take the time I'll have a good enough chapter, just please don't ask me to update quicker it isn't going to change the process :/ it'll just make me feel pressured then I'll rush and it won't be good enough, so pls stop- anyways there will be more in the second chap, also there's probably quite a few errors since I haven't proof read sooooooo-

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