chapter four

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vance's pov

the rest of the time we were walking felt so awkward. i did like someone , at least i think i did. him , it was always him. i couldn't tell him that though , he definitely likes girls right?

everything i said about the " girl " that i liked was about him. that's how i saw him anyways. it makes me smile just thinking about it , i want to be around him always. he didn't seem upset or anything when i told him either , he must've believed it. i feel bad now , i really do love him.

we neared his house and he opened the garage to put his bike against the wall. i just stood at the entrance of the garage , not certain on what to do. " come " he says waving me over to follow him through the door leading to the house through the garage.

i follow hastily behind him and take in all of the objects and scents in his house. he's definitely rich , he lives in one of the richer neighborhood and i noticed his house seems very well kept and proper. his kitchen counters are marble and lined with fancy barstools , there's an already set dining table in the sectioned off room next to the kitchen with glass windowed shelves displaying seemingly expensive and valuable authentic japanese cups and plates and things. his living room is beautiful too , a big L shaped couch and a tv sitting on top of a fireplace with hand painted art framed and hung on the wall.

" my mom and my sister aren't home yet , my sister has dance on friday's so my mom takes her. my dad is at work and doesn't get off until 9 so we should be good. " he says as we walk up the stairs. what does he mean by " we should be good. "? from what? does his mom know about me and who i am? shit. i hum in response and agreement following him to his bedroom. his bedroom..

it's not the cleanest place in the world, but it's still very well kept. he has shelves above his bed with baseball trophies as well as a baseball glove and helmet , his baseball bat is resting against the headrest of his bed. he has a pretty big bed in fact with simple tidy bedding , nothing too extra. he has some posters on the walls , some music ones and some marvel ones. i notice a pattern of spider-man , cute. his closet is on the opposite side of his bed , it's closed but i see a laundry basket on the left side of the door and an extra dresser on the right with a small tv on top of it. cool.

" you can sit down i guess , i'll go get some supplies so just sit tight. " he says referring to his bed. that was quick , i'm already sitting on his bed. i sit down making sure not to mess up his bedding as i look around taking in the atmosphere , so calming it is. he comes back with some wipes and bandages and sits down next to me setting the supplies down also. " can i see your hand ? " of course you can. i nodded and gave him my bloodied hand as he gently took it in his. his hands are so soft and feel so warm in mine , not to mention the obvious size difference. his hands are delicate yet strong but my hands are bigger and more jacked up than his.

he starts by wiping the blood off with an alcohol wipe , which doesn't hurt at all. the whole time he's looking down at my hand and focusing i can only look at him. his hooded eyes and how cute his face is when he's concentrated , his hair delicately covering a part of his face. he then wraps my hand up with the bandages and secures it with a piece of tape then looks back up at me and smiles.

" all done. " he says in a smiley tone. he's so pretty. i smile back at him as the instincts take over and in one swift motion i gently move the piece of hair out of his face and behind his ear. i probably shouldn't have done that.

bruce's pov

the whole time i was working on his hand i could feel him looking at me. why's he staring? i felt the slightest bit flustered but mostly confused. i finish his hand with the bandages and look back up at him , smiling as he smiles back. " all done. "

before i could blink vance is gently reaching over to my face as i feel him move some hair out of it and behind my ear. if i wasn't blushing before i am definitely blushing now. i notice that he had stopped smiling and looked the other way supposedly in embarrassment but i can't help but to just smile and turn red. before he gets even more embarrassed i speak up , " follow me , let's get something to drink. " i stood up and waited for him to get up too before walking out the door and down the stairs , into the kitchen.

he stands at the end of the counter as i open one of the cabinets to grab two glass cups then open the fridge and reach in to grab some orange juice. he just watched me as i pour an equal amount into each cup and slide one over to where he was. we both took a sip in silence which was just the least bit awkward but oh well.

" i should get home , my mom is probably wondering where the hell i am. " i look at him as i hear him speak.

" oh right , yeah. " i say as i take mine and his cup and put them in the sink. i then walk to the door and open it for him , staying in that spot. just before he leaves i manage to say " hey vance , uh- i have baseball practice tomorrow and well , it'd mean a lot to see you show up. i mean you don't have to it's more of a suggestion you know- " as i ramble on he interrupts me " i'll go. i'll be there , what time? " oh. i smile at his words and answer " 1 pm , i hope to see you then. " i smile at him. he smiles back " you will. thanks for the fix up bruce yamada , see you tomorrow. " he says before he exits the door and walks down the porch steps.

i stand there for a moment after with the door open as i watch him walk away. i close it then and go back up the stairs to my room smiling the whole way. i think i love him. i think i love vance hopper.

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