chapter fourteen

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bruce's pov

i couldn't decide if today was either bad or good. it definitely ended on a good note but i can't help but acknowledge the memory from earlier today in the back of my mind. i know what vance is going to do tomorrow and i don't really want to know the outcome but at the same time , i don't know which is worse if he beats them up or not. if he doesn't do anything , ethan and cole are definitely going to do it again and push vance over his limit very quickly. but if he does then me and him both risk being outed and i have way too much on the line.

(dialogue is in japanese to and from character , idk japanese so it's translated to english)
" mom? " i stand up from leaning on the door and walk to where the stairs are and see my mom standing at the top with a toothbrush in her mouth. " bruce , how was your friends house? " she asked while in the middle of brushing her teeth. " it was good , we had spaghetti for dinner. " i said as i walked up the stairs. my mom nodded and walked back to the bathroom that was in the hallway and spit into the sink before turning to me again. " how was practice ? " she asked. oh yeah , practice. i nodded and just said " good. " of course i wasn't going to tell her the truth , but i wasn't lying either. practice was good it was just what happened after.

she nodded and walked towards me. " amy is sleeping , go get changed and go to bed. goodnight bruce. " she said as she kissed me on my forehead and walked back towards her room. i walked into mine and shut the door before getting changed into a white shirt sleeve shirt and black sweat pants. i got into bed and turned off the lamp on my bedside table before drifting off , dreaming of vance.

i must've felt embarrassment hit me like a brick this morning when i had gotten to school. my mom decided she would drop me and my mister off today because it was raining a moderate amount. me and my sister went our separate ways and i tried everything in my power to avoid ethan and cole but they knew right where to find me. i saw them both in the hallway and i guess they must've caught me looking as they both started following me. i tried to pass it on hoping that they'd stop but i knew they didn't so when i saw robin in the hallway i saw that as an opportunity. i quickly walked over to robin and acted like i was talking to him , to which he was somewhat confused but complied anyways.

" bruce? what're you doing? " he asked as ethan and coke were getting closer. " shhh just be quiet. " i said to him before looking behind me for just a second and watching the two boys walk by nonchalantly. robin must've noticed my weird behavior as we watched them pass by too. " what was that about? " he asked , looking at me again. i stood quiet and looked downwards before looking around again. " they giving you a hard time? they're just shit talkers is all , don't mind them. " he says , putting a hand on my shoulder. i turn my head to look at him again and nod , " yeah , i know. sorry for running into you. " he shrugs and shakes his head , " it's fine really , see you around bruce. " he says before closing his locker and walking to homeroom.

i saw vance in first period and we greeted each other , smiling. i blush remembering last night and quickly cover my face with my hands so nobody would notice. vance has that kind of effect on me and i hate it but love it at the same time. vance seemed- okay this morning. he wasn't entirely happy but he wasn't entirely mad either , he seemed focused. he went on like that all morning and said he was fine when i asked him what was wrong. it was suspicious to say the least.

we sat with finney and robin at lunch and was having normal conversation. i wasn't really paying attention but i did see ethan and cole pass by where we were sitting , mostly looking at me , and laughing. i looked over to vance who was sitting next to me and see that he was looking at them too. he balled up his fist on the table and exhaled deeply , visibly annoyed. " vance? " i called out his name hoping to turn his attention onto me. finney and robin both looked at him now too but vance wasn't paying attention to any of us right now.

he got up and started walking in their direction and i heard him yell , " hey assholes! " this is bad , really bad. robin turned around and got up with a " fuck " and went over to where vance was. " oh shit. " finney said before looking at me. i looked back at him and we both got up to run over. by the time me and finney got over to where everyone was , there were already people looking at all of us. vance grabbed cole by the back of his shirt and put his other arm around his neck to pull him to the floor. vance got one good punch to cole's face before he was swung at by ethan and that's when robin started beating the shit out of him. cole got back on his feet while vance held his face where he was punched and was grabbed by his hair in an attempt to pull him down. vance was a lot stronger than cole though so he grabbed his arm and punched him in the face to get him off his hair and threw him against the cafeteria wall.

the scene was huge. vance had cole pinned on the wall and robin had ethan out cold on the floor , both their fists bloodied. the entire cafeteria was surrounding us and watching , i felt like an idiot standing there. " vance! stop! " i yelled at him and grabbed him trying to get him off of cole who was beaten to a pulp against the wall. he shoved me to the side so i wouldn't get accidentally swung at and i looked over to finney as cole had a grip on vance's neck. finney was trying to get robin off of ethan so he stood back up and backed away a few feet as finney held him still , ethan was bleeding from his face as he laid there. " vance stop! please stop. " i turned back around to look at vance as school administration and security rushed in to grab him off of cole.

vance and robin were both hurried out of the cafeteria by security to the main office while the administrators were helping ethan and cole. i seriously did not know how to feel in this moment as me and finney were following vance and robin. they were sat down and i sat next to vance as finney sat next to robin and were given ice in a paper towel. i held the ice against vance's face as he just looked at the ground , bleeding from his nose and pretty much all over his face. finney was holding ice against the side of robins head and his fist.

we were in the office with the principal , vice principal , secretary , and security. it felt like we were all going to prison. they were all taking turns talking to vance and robin as they both just slowly nodded their heads in response. they were both suspended for a week , so until next friday. " what about ethan and cole? do you know what they did? what they always do? " i spoke up catching the attention of everyone in the room. the principal looked down at me and sighed , " yes they're both also suspended for the same time. " i was happy with that much , it wouldn't have been fair if robin and vance got suspended but they didn't.

it turns out ethan and cole both went to the hospital from being beaten so hard. vance and robin both risked charges and that's what i was mostly scared of. vance on the other hand didn't seem afraid in the slightest , that also scared me too. robin and finney went to the nurses office to patch up his fist so me and vance went to the bathroom. he leaned over the sink as he gripped the sides of it , both of his fists bleeding. he was like a ticking bomb that was about to blow.

" vance? " i quietly called out his name as i stood next to him with some paper towels in my hand. he stood there for a couple seconds before he swiftly turned to face me and grabs the sides of my face with his bloody fists and kissed me.

(i'm aware this is all in bruce's pov .. mm)

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