chapter eight

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bruce's pov

i startle awake from a small bang on my window along with a faint voice calling out my name from.. outside? i turn on the lamp that was on my bedside table and sit up , looking outside the window. low and behold i see vance standing down below and i sigh , opening the window.

" vance? what the hell man , what do you want? do you know how late it is? " i ask noticeably tired by my voice. " yeah yeah i know it's late sorry for interrupting your beauty sleep princess. " i roll my eyes sarcastically. " if you break my window i'm going to break you. " i say to him , i'd get my ass beat by my mom if my window was broken. " i'd like to see you try. can we talk? listen i know it's late but i just feel bad okay? please? "

i sigh with a small frown , now i feel bad. " do you want me to come outside? " i ask him. " can you climb through the window? " he asks in response. does he think i'm crazy? i don't live in the tallest house in the world but a fall from this height would definitely have me out of this baseball season. " are you crazy? i'd bust my ass. " he laughs at this , asshole. " come on rapunzel , i'll catch you. " he says smiling and looking up at me.

" oh my god. " i roll my eyes laughing. " if i break something you're paying for it. " i open up my window all the way and very carefully climb out , planting myself on the roof underneath my window. i then close my window all the way and then my body around and sit down , facing vance. " shit , i'm gonna' fall. " it's a good 7 feet on the ground from here. " i'll catch you , just jump i'm right here. " he says holding his arms out. " promise? " i ask slightly sliding towards the edge of the roof. " i promise. "

i take a deep breath and jump down , aiming for the front of vance. he softens my landing by catching me by my arms and brings me to my feet. " easy peasy. " he says smiling , letting go of me. " thanks. " i say smiling back. " come on , i know where to go. " he says. i look at him confused and tilted my head , i was almost going to ask a question before he grabbed my wrist and gently lead me along with him.

" you could've just asked if you wanted to hold my hand. " i say half jokingly. " you want me to? " his says , deadly serious. " oh uh , i mean if you want to.. " i don't wanna' make it seem to obvious but i felt reviled when i felt his hand in mine , our fingers intertwined. he stayed looking forward but i was blushing hard and smiling like an idiot.

we got to the place he was leading me to , it looked like a junkyard. he opens the rusty gate for me and i walk through it , going in front of him. i hear the gate creaking closed behind me , " hey vance , what is this place? what's all this stuff? " i asked curious. i didn't hear any response so i turned around and didn't see anyone , just the gate. " vance? " i ask before taking a few steps towards the gate and looked around. " vance? where'd you go? " i got worried , i didn't hear anything so where did he go?

" boo! " vance comes up behind me from around the building that was next to the gate and grabs ahold of my waist and picks me up. " vance! goddamnit man! " i yell at him as he puts me down , his arms still on my waist as i turn to face him. " asshole. " i shove him playfully on the arm laughing. that scared the shit out of me. " don't do that again you scared me. " i said.

" awww poor little brucey is scared , it's okay sunshine i'll protect you. don't you worry. " he says in a sarcastic and mocking tone as he hugs me tightly , swaying me from side to side. " let go of me you ass. " i roll my eyes and try shoving him off to no avail , he's a lot stronger than me. he lets go and resides to holding both of my hands in his and looks at me.

" what'd you wanna' say? " i ask him. he smiles and leans down to my ear.

" i love you. " he quietly whispers. he stands back up straight and smiles at me. " really? " i asked him. did he really just say that? " really. " he responds with an added wink. he's so corny , but i love it. " i love you too vance. " i say smiling , i felt confident enough in myself to say it now that he said it first. he smiles back and we're both standing there hand in hand just looking at each other's faces. he's so handsome.

i must've been looking at him for a moment to long because the next thing i remember happening was vance leaning just a little bit closer to me. one he was leaned down enough to where he was leveled with my face he just waited. we smiled at each other and i looked him up and down slowly , but blushing harshly. i guess he wanted me to move closer to him so i took my left hand out of his right one and planted it on the right side of his bruised face then leaned in close enough to be able to kiss him ever so softly. vance  put both of his hands gently on both sides of my waist and my right hand went to his arm , my left still caressing his face.

we kissed each other , but not a forceful or aggressive kiss , rather a sweet and gentle one. his lips felt soft on mine despite being roughed up , it was nice. we stayed like that for a few seconds , just holding each other. he's the first to pull back , his hands still on my waist. " did you mean it? " he asks me. i smile at him and nod , " yeah vance , i mean all of it. " he smiles back and kisses me again , but only once. i put my hands up to my face to try and hide how much i'm blushing and he just laughs. " screw you. " i tell him off. " oh? at least buy me a drink first. " he says sarcastically. i roll my eyes and shove his arm again " so annoying. "

" i know you are but what am i " god. he's so stupid. i love him though.

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