chapter nine

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bruce's pov

i woke up the next morning and got ready for school. as i was in my room i remembered that i still had vance's jacket from a couple days ago. i decided that i'd give it back to him today so i put it on and went into the garage to get my bike. once i got to school i put my bike with the others and looked around for vance. he's not usually here pretty early like everybody else but i didn't see him in homeroom either. it was odd but i thought he had just decided to skip school , but why would he?

he wasn't in first or second period either so before third period i decided i'd try to ask someone if they'd seen him. i put his jacket over my arm and spotted robin and finney in the hallway by the lockers. i walked over to them and finney greeted me as well as a heads up from robin.

" oh hey bruce , do you need something? " finney says as he pauses the conversation him and robin we're having. " hey finney , hi robin- i uh was just wondering if either of you have seen vance anywhere? this is his and i wanted to give it back to him. " i asked both of them , finney just shook his head and looked at robin. " nah man i haven't seen him since the fight last friday but if you manage to find him tell him that he did a good job. " robin was a pretty damn good fighter but vance was definitely stronger , i wonder what would happen if they fought someone together.

i nod , " sure thing , i'll see you guys around. " i say as i turn to walk away. i don't think vance would skip school especially since he would do anything just to see me for a few minutes so this confused me. i started to walk around and eventually walked outside to the courtyard and that's where i found him finally. i could only see the back of him as he was facing the other direction and i could see him talking to some random person , probably about the fight.

i got the brightest idea then and started running right to him then jumping onto his back saying , " guess who! " and laughing. vance was startled at the action and started laughing with me , completely forgetting about the conversation he was having a couple seconds ago. the commotion caused some people to turn their heads but started to look away once they realized i wasn't trying to fight him.

i got off of vance after him allowing me to stay on and he turned to face me. " here's your jacket doofus , i've been looking for you everywhere. " i say as i hold out his jacket for him to take. he looks at me and smiles before saying quietly , " i'm sorry sunshine there was something i needed to do but you can have the jacket , it looks better on you anyways. " i blush , " are you sure? i don't need it really. "i try to tell him but he shakes his head and pushes the jacket back towards me. " it's adorable on you , and i love seeing you wear it. it's yours honey. " he says and i smile aggressively as i put the jacket back on and look up at him.

" come on , let's get to class so we can get the hell outta' here. " he says smiling at my reaction and starts walking to class as i follow him. the period ends and we both go to lunch after , me inviting him to sit with me as well as finney and robin. i lead him over to the table and sit down , " look who i found. " he sits down next to me. finney and robin both look up to see vance , finney looks at me and then at robin and back at vance again before greeting him. " hi , vance. " he sounds more timid than usual. vance just smiles and waves , giving a heads up to robin.

vance's pov

school finally comes to an end and as soon as the bell rings i take bruce by the wrist and he follows me outside. " slow down there cowboy. " he says and i let go of him. " my bad , i just wanted to get out of there the moment i walked in. " he smiles and laughs and then takes my arm and brings me to where his bike is before getting it off of its stand and faces me again.

" you're cute when you're annoyed. " he smiles at me. he's so cute when he tries to be a tease. i roll my eyes and take his bike from him and start walking off the school grounds , bruce grabbing a hold of my arm and clinging to it. " let's go to my house , you don't have to stay long. " i say as i lead us in the direction of my house. all i get in response is a small but cute nonetheless " okay " from bruce.

we get to my house and i set his bike in the front yard on its stand before opening the door for him and myself. " hi honey! " my mom yells from the other room and walks in to see bruce standing next to me. " hi mama , this is bruce. is it okay if he stays for a bit? " i introduce him and ask. " hello darling , of course he can stay. " my mom smiles as she puts a hand on the side of bruce's face , he smiles back at her. i nod and lead bruce to my room , opening the door for him again. " sorry about the mess. " i say referring to my messy floor but bruce doesn't seem to pay attention to it.

bruce's pov

vance's mom is very sweet from what i can tell. she has the same curly blonde hair as him and big brown eyes , she has a soft voice and she seems to like me a lot already. i can see where vance gets it from. he opens the door for me to enter and i look around at all his decorative things. " sorry about the mess. " he says from behind me as i stop at his dresser. " i don't mind it really. " i say looking at all the things he has out.

there's a big glass jar filled to the brim with coins , change and coins for the arcade. he also has a collection of rocks which i found both funny and adorable. theres a lava lamp burning in the colors blue and green along with a line up of toy cars , some bigger some smaller. this was all very adorable to me since i used to be into these kinds of things when i was younger , it was nice to see vance had a childish side to him.

" what's all this stuff? " i ask him but i don't get an answer. i can hear him yawn from behind me and i suddenly feel his hands wrap around my waist and his head resting on my shoulder. i feel my stomach drop a mile out of pure excitement and aggressively blush at the action. " what're you doing? " i ask , confused on why he was so cuddly out of no where. he responds with a " hmm- " as he hugs me.

" are you tired , hm? " i ask as i turn around in his grasp so that i am facing him. he just looks downwards and nods slowly and i smile , placing my hands on the side of his face and kissing him once. he wakes up a little from this and i gently push him back so that he sits down on his bed. i sit down next to him and his head immediately goes to rest on my shoulder , his face practically in my neck. i bring my hand up to his head and start to play with his hair. he puts his hand on my leg and speaks up.

" i'm sorry i wasn't there this morning , i was with my mom. " he pauses and i listen quietly , still playing with his long and messy hair. " we don't know where my dad is- or if he's coming back- " i stop him from explaining himself to me , " shhh , it's okay vance as long as you're okay. " i move my hand from his hair and gently lay him down so that he's laying on his side. he instantly grabs back my hand and holds it on his face and closes his eyes.

i smile at him and sit beside him in a comfortable silence , beginning to run my fingers through his hair once again. " can you stay? " he whispers after a few moments. " i'll stay until you fall asleep. " i tell him as i look down at his beautiful face while he rests. vance slowly starts to fall sleep and i gently remove my hand from under his cheek where he was holding it. i get up from where i was sitting and locate a piece of crumbled up paper and a black marker on his shelf. i quickly write , " you fell asleep so i went home. i love you vance :) -B <3 " and set the note next to his head before leaning down and kissing him on his cheek.

i leave his room and quietly close the door behind me as i make my way to the front door , expecting his mom to be around somewhere. i didn't see her anywhere along the way so i didn't bother and left quietly , grabbing my bike and heading home. there's still some daylight left and it's about an hour before dinner , when i get home i was just in time for dinner and had to explain why i was out later than usual. i don't mind coming up with an excuse though , i'd do anything to be around vance for any given amount of time.

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