chapter sixteen

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( 17 and 18 will be out by monday )

vance's pov

the car ride home was quiet. i knew that my mom wasn't mad at me because she never is , just mostly worried. i was worried too but for a different reason. whenever shit like this happens my mom is always the one to come pick me up , my dad is always waiting right when we get home and then beats the shit out of me after. the thing is , i don't know where the fuck my dad is but he's going to find out i got suspended again one way or another. he may not care but then again he may , and there he will be- waiting.

i rested my head on the window as my mom drove , just watching the houses and the trees pass. i hated how i was like this , always doing shit off of impulse and getting shit back for it. i cant stand myself sometimes , like i just wanna' run away and never come back. i feel like if i went missing or something nobody would care , they'd definitely notice but it wouldn't be something people would talk about like they actually gave a shit. but bruce would , so i only stay for him.

we got home and my mom opened the door for me. " let me get you some water honey. " she said as she went into the kitchen to get a glass and fill it with water. i walked to the kitchen and leaned on the wall as she get the glass on the table in front of me. " mom. " i paused. she turned her attention to me and waited , " hm? " i looked down at the floor and held my mouth open trying to say what i was going to say to her.

" i- i love him. " i looked at her in her eyes before looking back down again. every emotion hitting me like a brick all at once. " hm? who honey? " she walked over to where i was leaning on the wall and put a hand on my shoulder , i felt so embarrassed and tried to look anywhere else. " bruce mama , i love bruce. " i sighed , it just kind of came out of nowhere. he's all i think about , he takes up all the room in my brain , my heart. he's who i wanna' be around and talk to , he's the only person i want to love and kiss. he's the only one.

" okay. " i heard my mom say softly. i looked at her with a confused expression. " what? " i ask. she smiled at me , " you love bruce hm? what's that gotta' do with me? " i smiled and almost wanted to laugh , that's definitely not what i was expecting her to say but i'll take it. " you're not mad? " i ask her , still slightly confused on her reaction to me just blurting out i love a boy. she scoffed at me , " why in the world would i be mad? all i want you to be is happy. " she smiled. i smiled back and hugged her momentarily before pulling away. " is that why you did it? " she asked me referring to ethan and cole. i looked down and nodded , of course it was for him. " then bruce has nothing to worry about , he's got you around. " she said as she lifted my chin.

( another tw i'm sorry.. )
( kinda intense so just proceed with caution )

it was around 5 pm now and i was sitting on my bed throwing darts on a small target that was on my closet door when i heard my mom yelling at someone. i stopped and put the darts down to listen closer and heard.. my dad? i immediately got up and walked out of my room and into the living room where i found my mom and my dad arguing. my dad noticed me walk into the room and turned his attention on to me. " and you! what the fuck is wrong with you? " he shouted at me as he pointed. i stood frozen with a visibly angry expression , " you need to leave. now. " he scoffed menacingly and took a step towards me , i could see my mom shake her head at me from where she was standing behind him. " you're fucking pathetic. again with this shit? you're the reason i left. " he said , getting real close. my breath hitched and i inhaled deeply , squinting at him. " then you should leave again , like you always do. and never come back. "

he slapped me across the face and spat at me. " shut the fuck up if you know what's good for you , do you hear me? " he grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me towards him. i looked at him with a despiteful look and grinned , " go to hell. " he punched me in the face and i fell to the ground , shifting on my side and spitting out blood from my mouth. " tom stop it! get the fuck out! " my mom yelled at him and he looked back at her. " shut the hell up woman , damn. this doesn't concern you. " he spat back at her and i wanted to hit him so hard. i saw my mom start to walk towards where we were and i shook my head at her , telling her to just stay where she was. she's seen me fight before and she's seen me fight my dad before so she had trust in my ability and stayed right where she was.

" i should've always known you were a faggot boy. fucking stupid you are , you know that? " he was kneeled above me and pulled me back onto my back then punched me again. i lifted my back and coughed more blood , " i fuckin' hate you. " i said through the coughing. he grabbed my shirt again and pulled me upwards , slapping me again and then pushing the side of my face into the ground with a harsh force. i stabilized my leg in between his and pushed upwards , putting my hands around his neck.

the grunted and stood up , moving my leg out of the way before lifting his upper body weight off the ground and threw me off his neck , banging my head on the ground. as i just hit the back of my head , he put my arms above my head with one hand and the other around my neck. " you're an embarrassment , a poor excuse for a mistake. don't you ever forget that. " i coughed as he choked me and then yelled , bending my elbows out of his grasp and to headbutt him and punching the side of his face before kneeing him in between his legs. i quickly got up as he was now the one who was on the ground as he lied there in pain on his side. i noticed he had a small handgun sticking out the back of his pants so i grabbed it as well as his shirt to flip him over to his back before pulling him up to where he was looking at me. i held him with a strong hold as i pointed the gun to his head with my other hand.

" don't you ever fucking come here or touch me or mom ever again or i will fucking kill you. " i said to him sternly as i looked him dead center into his eyes and held the gun close to his face where he could see it. he slowly lifted his hands above his head and looked away from me. " do you understand? i will motherfucking kill you. " i raised my voice at him and he frantically nodded. i scoffed and put the gun down , dropping him to the ground and getting up. i looked down at him and spat , " fucking pathetic. get out. " he hastily got up and went out the front door and i wiped my mouth revealing all the blood that emerged.

" vance? " i heard my mom call out from behind me. i turned my head and saw her just standing there , visibly frightened. i looked down at the gun i was holding in my hand and quickly set it down on a nearby table. " sorry momma , are you okay? " i asked her to which she nodded slowly. i nodded back and turned around to walk to the bathroom. i feel like i might've scared her just a little bit with the gun , i don't think it was loaded though my dad is too stupid for that. i wash my mouth clean of blood and trace my hand over the redness on my face from where my dad slapped me. i sigh and shake my head before putting a hand on the back of my head where it hurt. i walk out of the bathroom and back into my room go get into bed , falling asleep with a killer migraine.

bruce's pov

the entire school day was just spent with me walking through the halls with my head down and occasionally talking to finney. it was terrible with vance not being there i felt like i was being hunted or something. it was rather both uneventful and treacherous so i was ecstatic when the long hours had ended and i could finally go home and hopefully see vance. about half an hour after i got home i was waiting around in my room when i heard the familiar sound of a rock against my window. i smile and go onto my bed where the window was and look down to see a rather handsome blonde standing below. i also notice that he looks like hell.

" hey there , what the hell happened to you? you look like shit.." i opened my window and leaned on the sill. he smiled and gave me the middle finger , " almost killed my dad yesterday. " he said. interesting , i raised a brow at this and laughed. " i can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. " i looked down at him. he shrugged and shook his head , " nah , not really. " i nodded with a " hm "

" are you gonna come down or are we just gonna continue on like this? " he asked me and i smiled. " only for you. " i said as i closed the window and left my room , leaving the house and going into the front yard. i saw vance emerge from the side of my house and i hugged him and he hugged me back of course. " you okay sunshine? " he asked me as he held onto me. " yep. better than ever. " i said as i pulled away and looked up at him. he smiled and laughed , " okay , come on. " he took my hand and led me away.

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