chapter ten

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vance's pov

i wake up and rub my head , sitting up and looking over at the clock on my bedside table. it's 6 in the evening , i was asleep for 3 hours or so. i look around and see bruce is gone but i see a piece of paper on my bed where my head was. i pick it up to read the message in surprisingly good handwriting , smiling after. i'm mad that i fell asleep , i've been so tired lately and i don't know why. bruce makes it all better , i just wish i was awake when he left.

the rest of the night passed and i took a shower and ended up falling asleep again before getting woken up hours later by my alarm clock. i shut the damn thing off and decide i'm too lazy to change into anything other than what i'm wearing so i pick up a red hoodie and put it over the white tank top i was wearing.

i meet up with bruce when i got to school and thanked him for the other day. we hugged each other for just a second before going to our homeroom class , him sitting in the seat that perfectly allows me to look at all of his beautiful features. that's just what i end up doing for the rest of the day in all the classes we have together , he even invited me to sit with him , finney , and robin at lunch like yesterday. finney still seemed just a little on edge that i was there but bruce and robin made him feel better. me and robin greet each other , he's cool but we don't too much- i respect him though.

it was the last period of the day and me and bruce sat next to each other as usual. " hey bruce , you wanna go to the arcade with me? " i asked him making sure to whisper so no one else could hear. he looked over at me , " the arcade? " he asked. " yeah , after school. " i smiled. " okay i'll go with you to the arcade " the rest of the class went by and then the bell rang so i took bruce by the hand and left with him quickly. he got his bike and we stopped by my house for some extra coins and change before going to the arcade.

bruce's pov

vance seemed very excited to go to the arcade. we stopped at his house to grab some coins and when we got to the arcade he instantly lit up. " sorry darling , i'm back. " he said as he walked up to the pinball machine. i smiled at this , vance loves pinball. he played a couple rounds as his goal was to beat his high score , i stood next to him and watched him play. i didn't really understand the aim of the game but vance looked very concentrated on what he was doing and then got super mad when he failed , which was funny.

vance managed to beat his high score once before he decided we'd go play something else. he had accumulated a lot of coins and he was carrying a lot of them with him. " vance what are you gonna' do with all those coins? " i asked him. " well sunshine , they're for you of course. " he said smiling at me. " for me? why me? " i asked kind of confused. " to get you a prize silly. " he said smiling , i smiled back and blushed. " anything you want you can have , i'll win the whole arcade if i have to. " he added on. he knew just the right things to do and say that would make me feel all warm inside , i loved it.

vance had enough coins to win almost every prize in the whole arcade , i found it impressive really but i didn't want anything big. " what do you want cutie? i can get you anything. " i looked around at all the prizes that were out. " hmm , i want these. " i had pointed to two small plastic rings with a big star , one was blue and one was purple. " is that all you want? " vance asked me , i guess he was expecting me to want something more. i smiled at him , " yeah they're all i want , thank you. " he told the lady and gave the needed amount of coins before she handed the two plastic rings to me.

i smiled at him and we walked outside then i turned to face him. i looked up at him and handed the blue ring , him taking it gratefully. " for me? " he asked , " mhm , they're for us. " i told him. " i love it. i love you. " he said smiling at me. " i love you too. " i said back , as we both put our rings on our finger. they were big and tacky but they were absolutely perfect.

after the arcade we decided to go back to vance's house , my bike was there. we got to his house and hung out in his room for a couple minutes. " hey vance? " i asked. " what's up hon? " he says , facing my direction. " are we like- dating? or something? " i asked him. i never really thought about that aspect of things , i like girls but now i know for sure that i like guys too , and it's clearly the same with vance. he looks at me and nods , " do you want me to be your boyfriend , brucey? " he asked teasingly. i rolled my eyes but nodded regardless , i did want him to be my boyfriend , and i wanted to be his. he nodded back in return and stepped towards me sitting on his bed.

i watched him carefully as he stopped in front of me and leaned down , putting a hand on the side of my face and kissed me. i kissed him back of course and we stayed like that for a good 10 seconds before he pulled back , " i'll be your boyfriend then. " he said smiling. i smiled too and looked down , blushing.

" i gotta go home now , bye vance , and thank you. i love you i'll see you tomorrow. " i said before getting up and kissing him again then leaving his house to go home. when i got back my mom and sister weren't there , i didn't pay too much attention to it though- they were most likely out of the house before i'd usually get home from school anyways.

vance's pov

i was very happy with today. i got to spend some time with my favorite boy in the whole world and became his boyfriend. boyfriend. that sounds like a batshit crazy concept but i feel like he's the only person who i've ever loved. i never felt any attraction to girls but bruce just lit my heart on fire from the moment i saw him. i lay down on my bed just looking at the ring he had got for us , i'm definitely keeping the dumb piece of plastic forever.

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