chapter fifteen

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vance's pov

the last thing that i could remember was me pinning cole to the wall as i beat the shit out of him until he went unconscious. i remember being pulled back into reality when i was dragged out of the cafeteria past the very large crowd of people along with robin. i forgot that he had fought with me , he didn't even have a reason why , he just did. i was bleeding just a little from the side of my head and had purple and red fists and i could see the amount of blood that was on the floor in the cafeteria. i also saw bruce , finney was there to but i noticed bruce was following and also holding onto me as we went to the main office.

we were sat down , bruce on my right and robin on my left. we were given ice wrapped in paper towel and i felt the coldness on my head where bruce placed it. in the moment and the moments prior the only emotion i felt was anger , i saw only red. when ethan and cole walked past our table that was the breaking point for me and i had to do something to them that they'd never forget. i had to teach them not to ever fucking mess with me or anyone that i care about or else that's what happens , they had it coming for them.

you'd have to be one stupid motherfucker to not only mess with me but with robin too. everybody knows that we're the best fighters in the school so it was like a lost cause to them , maybe it was a set up. maybe they just wanted me and or robin gone so they could pick on the people we cared about without having to worry about us. that's the stupidest fucking idea anyone could ever have though , if someone messes with me i will always be able to find them.

i could hear the adults in the room talking to me and robin but it was only in mumbles with some words i could make out. i got the context that we were suspended until next thursday , but ethan and cole were also gone until then , thanks to bruce. i don't know why he was defending me , he told me not to do exactly what i did and here he is sitting next to me as we speak. it turns out the couple of dicks were going to the hospital after the huge scene from their bleeding and whatever the fuck else. it didn't matter to me , as long as they never touched bruce again.

me and robin both faced criminal charges and i just sighed. i've had the police called on me multiple times , i've been in handcuffs , i've been in a police car, and i've been to the station , but i've never actually been to juvie. i didn't want to fight it since i really didn't have a good alibi and since their actions were out of pure hatred and even though i was sticking up for myself and bruce , i knew i was still on the wrong side.

i just sat there with a blank expression as bruce pulled the ice away from my head. robin and finney went to the nurse to help robin's obviously injured head so i just got up and went to the bathroom , bruce following behind me. i walked over to one of the sinks and stood there leaning against it as bruce was getting some paper towels. i had a feeling that i got rid of ethan and cole pestering bruce but at what cost? i won't see bruce at school until next week and i might have the cops on my ass the second i get home. i felt kind of bad for bruce , he's always dealing with my bullshit like it's his own and i have nothing to show for it.

most of the time i don't even know how to be affectionate or if he even likes it or wants it. i'm always complementing him and telling him i love him and giving him things because i want to give him everything i've never gotten but it still doesn't feel like enough. i feel like no matter how hard i try there's still so much love for me to give that i don't know how to , or maybe that i do too much for him that it's overwhelming. he seems like he loves me and that he wants to be around me but i just wish i was more available to him , like i owe him something. my father never treated me like a son by just as an object for him to punch. that's all i was growing up and i depended on nobody but myself so it's different to have someone actually care about you and not feeling like you owe them some kind of apology. that's what bruce always gets about me , he doesn't have to know my whole life story to know that i was messed up growing up. i would never ever intentionally do something to hurt bruce , not ever. he is the kindest , sweetest , most caring and intelligent person i've ever met and he deserves the world i want to give to him.

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