chapter six

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bruce's pov

i woke up around 9 this morning , got dressed , gathered my gear , ate breakfast , and went to practice. a later one today , they usually happen at 11 or 12 but since it's fall it's colder in the early day so we wait until the afternoon when the sun is out more.

i got dropped off by my mom , she had to go to the store and brought my sister along with which was fine by me. i went over to the others and we all greeted each other as we usually do. i look around and don't see vance anywhere , that's odd. he said he'd show up , did he forget? he might've slept in. practice starts and it goes on for about half an hour before i see vance standing at the edge of the bleachers. i smile , he showed up.

" yamada! eyes on the ball! " my coach yells from the sidelines. " right , sorry. " i go back to focusing on practice and another half an hour passes before our 15 minute break starts. i set my bat and my helmet down and head over to the bleachers making sure nobody notices me. i see vance just standing there as handsome as ever. he's got a rock band tee on with a plain black and white varsity jacket over top with some black ripped jeans. i look up at his face and notice it's all purple and red , what the hell happened?

" vance! dude what happened? " i shout quietly at him as he shoots his head over in my direction. " oh, uh- hi bruce. it's nothing really. " he says plainly , how is he so calm right now? " vance are you okay? does it hurt? what happened? " i start frantically asking questions , who'd he fight so early in the morning? " no it's fine , i'm fine don't worry bruce really i'm fine. " he starts reassuring me as i raise my hand to touch his beaten and bruised face. " who was it? who did you fight with now? this early vance? what happened? "

vance's pov

bruce was talking now in a more loud tone , almost yelling. i look around to see if anyone was looking if they might've heard him and i pull him under the bleachers by his arm and covering his mouth with my hand. " bruce. shut up. i am fine. " i say , releasing my hand from his mouth. " right , sorry. i'm just worried is all. " i smile at this , he really cares. " you're so cute. " i must've said out loud because he widely smiled back " me? "

" yeah you. " i say still smiling , i notice he's blushing now. " you're not too bad yourself , hopper. " he says in return. i place my hand over my heart in a sarcastic manner " wow , i'm wounded. " he laughs. his laugh is so cute , i love everything about him.

the whistle blows and we both turn our heads towards the sound then looking back at each other. " gotta' go finish up practice , stay here? " he asks. " of course , i'll be right here. " just out of the blue , i lean down a little and kiss him on the forehead , coming back up to wink at him and say " do good champ. " he just looks up at me and smiles while blushing and leaves from under the bleachers and back out to the field.

bruce's pov

i leave vance at the bleachers and come back out to the rest of the team. " hey bruce , what's got you all red? " a teammate of mine points out. oh right , vance kissed me and i'm blushing. " just cold is all. " i say in response , covering up the fact that i am really just blushing , at a boy. " better get warm , we got an our left of this crap. " he says. " yeah yeah yeah i know , cmon' "

another hour before practice is over , i told my mom to not come pick me up and that i'd just get a ride from one of my teammates , which she agreed to. i get my stuff and walk back over to vance who was watching and waiting by the bleachers this whole time. he's so patient.

" hey vancey " i say in a sarcastic tone. " do not call me that ever again. " he says while laughing. " hmm , okay vanvan " i say , smiling and tilting my head at him. he just rolls his eyes in return. " where we going now , sunshine? " he asks me. i like that name. " wanna go get coffee? i'm winded. " i say. coffee does sound good right about now. my mom doesn't really let me have it so i only drink it if i'm getting it from somewhere. " sure thing , give me your stuff i'll hold it. " he offers. " oh no it's fine you don't have to. " i reassure him. " it's the least i can do , i don't mind. " he smiles and i give in , he's just too cute.

vance's pov

we're walking to the cafe just down the road and i have his bag full of stuff over my shoulder. i notice him start to get cold , rubbing his arm and his red nose. the sun being out during fall season doesn't do much justice. " hey , do you want my jacket? you look cold. "
i offer to him. " are you sure? wont you get cold? " he's so cute. " nah , i don't get cold. here you can have it. " i set the bag down momentarily and take my jacket off , putting it over him so he can get his arms through. " perfect. you look great. " it was obviously at least a size bigger on him but it was adorable , and he's not cold anymore. " thank you. " he says smiling and looking down at the sidewalk , i can tell he's blushing.

we get to the cafe and i hold the door open for him which he nods in a thanks in return. i look around at the people there. it's a saturday so there's quite a few , not really anyone that would notice us though. maybe a couple kids from class but nobody that would call our names out or anything. me and bruce have a seat at the counter and wait for someone to come take our orders. a young lady about 20 years old or so comes over to us and asks what we'd like. the whole time i notice her looking at my face , i forgot i look like i had just fought a bear.

bruce gets a plain hot coffee with whipped cream and cinnamon and i get the same thing just without the extra toppings. the lady brings us our drinks and bruce says thank you. he takes a sip and some whipped cream gets on his top lip , he looks at me and we both smile as he licks it off. we both enjoy our coffee peacefully , talking about video games and movies and music. bruce is so fun to talk to , he doesn't judge anything i do or say. i can be myself around him and the funny thing is , i don't even really know who i am , or who i wanna' be. all i know is that i wanna be with bruce.

we finish up our coffee and bruce is kind enough to pay. it's around 4 now and there's still a little bit of daylight left so me and him make our way over to a nearby park. his bag with his baseball stuff sits on the floor as we're both just sitting on the swings , bruce still wearing my jacket. " vance , who did it. " it didn't sound much of a question , more like a statement or an order.

" my dad. " he stops his slow rocking and looks at me. i look back at him and he gives me an apologetic look. " you know- i don't think you're all that bad vance hopper. " he says.

" you don't? i think i'm pretty scary. " he smiles at this. " you never scared me , ever. you're really sweet and funny. " he says just smiling sweetly at me. " yeah? " i ask , " yeah. " he responds. we just stay looking at each other for a moment and i look down at the ground and laugh to myself. he speaks up making me look up at him again. " vance? can i ask you something? "

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