chapter two

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i watched vance as he left. he had blood on his fist , a mix of his and westley's. he did beat the shit out of him , he weakly got up with some help of a few people who were watching. i didn't care too much about him though , i did care about vance.

i left and soon found him at the side of the building. he was leaning on the wall and just had lit a cigarette as i walked over.

" hey. are you okay? " i asked , i half wasn't expecting an answer. he took a hit of the cigarette he was holding with his bloodied hand and tilted his head upwards to exhale. he looked at me then.

" i'm perfect, sunshine " , he took another hit.

that was an odd name , i payed no attention to it though. i walked closer to him and grabbed my water bottle out of my bag. " here. drink "

he looked at me and tilted his head , exhaling smoke avoiding my direction. at least he has some common courtesy. he took the water with his empty hand and drank the rest of it , which i wasn't mad about.

" what'd you want anyways? " he said handing the bottle back to me. " your fist. does it not hurt? " i was expecting him to make some snarky remark about how i asked if it hurt or not , of course it wouldn't- it's vance. he does this shit all the time i mean he's practically a fist fighting pro but i can't help but feel the slightest bit empathetic for him.

he smiles at me , showing just a little bit of his toothy grin. " a little bit. " , he says as he takes a good look at his raw fists , " ain't nothing i can't handle though. " he looked at me again still smiling as he took his final hit from the cigarette and put it out on the wall and let it drop to the floor.

vance's pov

i was almost hoping that he would follow me after i left the scene and just to my disposal , he did. i was leaned up against the side of the school building lighting a cigarette when he came over. he's so cute. " hey. are you okay? " he asked in an apologetic tone.

i took a hit of the cigarette , thinking of an answer to give him. " i'm perfect , sunshine " was the first thing that came to mind in the moment. that second i wished i didn't say that , he'd definitely say something about it- but he didn't.

he went on to offer me his water bottle , i thought it was a sweet gesture. i kept thinking about how he's the first and only person who has ever consulted me after i had gotten into a fight. people are so afraid of me but bruce.. he didn't seem the slightest bit afraid of my presence.

i asked him what he wanted , being around me and all especially at this time. he answered with a comment about my fists. oh right , they're bleeding and i had almost forgotten. i told him that they had hurt a little bit , that was a lie. they didn't hurt at all and in fact , i couldn't even feel if there was pain or not , i just wanted his attention. guilty.

i finished the cigarette and dropped the bud on the ground before leading my gaze back up to the boy in front of me. " you wanna help me , doctor yamada? " i said with a short laugh. he laughed back. wait , he laughed back?

i was never found funny , usually making jokes to myself to laugh at. but bruce laughed at a joke of mine. i stared at him and smiled , a genuine smile. i rarely smile , but this was something i fell fond to. he was something i fell fond to.

bruce's pov

i laughed at his corny joke. not a full on laugh but a short chuckle is all. who knew vance hopper could be funny? i look back up at his gaze to find him looking directly at me , smiling. vance hopper is smiling at me. i can't help but to feel myself slightly blushing while trying to not smile. shit , why the hell am i blushing? at a smile? from vance hopper?

" uhh " is all i manage to get out. i look back up at him , still blushing a little bit and looking at his tall stature in front of me. " i have stuff at my house. " i paused for a moment , " for your fist. "

" inviting me over for a play date? how charming. " vance said with a smirk. " shut up and follow me " i said in response , smiling at his statement. i started walking towards where the bikes were kept , vance following shortly behind me. he wasn't that far behind me but i could feel him towering over me. 'towering' might be an overstatement but i'm only 5'5 so him being 5'8 feels like a lot taller from my perspective.

" i'll walk so you can catch up. " i said as i undid the lock and grabbed my bike off the rack and kicking the stand up. vance just smiled the whole time looking at me , he's acting so weird. i positioned my bike next to me and started walking , vance on my left.

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