Chapter 8

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"Oh my god you're in love"

Eddie nodded.

"Oh Eddie" She said hugging him.

"I'm so sorry honey"

Eddie and Robin talked for longer and he even talked about maybe quitting but Robin said it wasn't a good idea.

Back at the castle, Steve and Dustin talked for a while before Steve asked Mark to babysit Dustin while he went for a drink. Once he was there, he drank at least 5 beers.

"So I like this guy right but hes like a demon-"

"Is he the guy that came in here with you a few days ago?" The bartender asked.

"Yeah thats him"

"Where does he live? a couple girls were asking where he lived or when hes coming back so they could you know 'shoot their shot'"

"Hes gay"

"Oh well maybe one of them pretty ladies can fix him"

"He doesn't need fixing. If he doesn't like women then he doesn't like women. Like I don't just like women I like women and men"

"Yeah but you're still gonna marry a woman and have kids"

"Maybe I won't. I might marry a man"

"But thats not what god intended"

"Yeah and I don't think god intended for me to fall in love with a demon"


"anyway im a prince so it's weird to be in love with your personal demon sent to ruin your life but his friend who is also a demon is dating a princess"

"Why not send out a letter to the princess and ask her about it?"

"That might actually be a good idea yeah I'll do that but its not like he would be into me anyway. He flirts with me a lot but its just his personality plus hes made it clear so many times that we're just friends. He even says we're not friends but we totally are anyway thanks bartender" He said as he got up to leave.


"Yo princess" Some guy Steve had never seen before asked.

"What do you want asshole"

"No poker tonight?"

"Nah I have to get home to my kid"

"You have a kid?"


"With who?"

"Your mom"

The whole bar laughed.

"Tryna make a fool outta me?"

"Nope I think you got that covered"

The bar laughed again.

"I'll kill you" He told Steve.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you~"

"And whats that supposed to mean pretty boy?" He asked holding a knife up to Steves neck.

"You'll see" He whispered.

He turned around and walked out the tavern. He walked back to the castle, avoiding his dad at all costs and went to his room.

"Hey Marky boy"

"Sir would you like me to leave?"

"Ah yes I have some important business to attend to"

"Yes sir" He said leaving the room.

Steve sat at his desk and took out a notebook. He wrote a very hard to understand note but ended up just ripping it out and throwing it away.

"Hey Steve, whacha doingggg?"

"Writing a letter to Princess Nancy"


"Oh um no reason"

"Wait a second isn't Princess Nancy with Robin?"

Steve nodded

"Then why are you tryna get back with her?"

"I'm not trying to get with Nancy"

"Then why?"

"Promise not to tell Eddie or Dustin"

"How drunk are you?"

"Pretty fucking drunk dude"

"Yeah I promise not to tell them"

"Okay okay I think I love Eddie like I'm in love with him"

"the demon?"

"Yes the demon and I know its wrong but I was gonna write a letter to Nancy to ask her how it is with a demon"

"Smart idea"

Just then two demons walked through the door.

"Hey pretty boy"

"Thats him?" Robin asked looking Steve up and down.


She whispered something into Eddies ear.

"Robin this is Steve and Dustin, Steve and Dustin this is Robin my friend from work"

"Pleasure to meet you"

"Since when do you have friends?"

"Shut up are you drunk?"


"damn it Steve"

"Whos the kid?"

"Thats my son"

"You have a son? and you didn't tell me?"

"I meant to tell you but there wasn't a good time"

"whos the mother?"

Eddie pointed at Steve.



"Gay dads" Dustin said pointing at Eddie and Steve.

"You're saying that like we're married"

Dustin looked at Eddie.

"Oh yeah to your dad we are married"

"Oh fuck I forgot about that"

"Stevss dad thinks you guys are married?"

"Yeah it's hilarious"

"Thats fucking amazing"

"I know right"

"You're all as bad as each other"

"He really is my son" He said putting his arm around Dustin.

"Thats not a good thing Eds"

"Awhh he called you Eds thats so cute"

"Awh Stevie I knew you weren't a cold heart bitch"

"I'm gonna kill myself"

"I already said I'd kill you"

"I hate you"

"Thats the point baby boy"

"You guys are so perfect for each other you should be married"

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