Chapter One: Quasar Quest, Part 1

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A/N: Forgot to mention this in "Meet Angelo Morgan". He has an ability, will be revealed in the future.

Narrator POV

On a distant planet called, recounts the legend of the. Three thousand years before, they were placed in a stone altar to be removed by those deemed worthy. Unbeknownst to him or his audience, close in on them as various warriors attempt to draw the swords from a stone. Each fails. Arriving, the Stingwingers capture the villagers, and their leader, arrives. He too attempts to free the Quasar Sabers, and grows frustrated when he fails.


Angelo POV

I was at the science lab, with my sister Kendrix. Just then, the Commander Stanton and Mike Corbett came in.

"Miss Morgan, Mr Morgan. How's it going?" Commander Stanton asks.

Me and Kendrix were checking on a plant, and quickly stood up when we heard him.

"These are the last of the experimental hybrids." Kendrix said.

"And we're running ahead of schedule by 20 minutes." I added.

"Only 20 minutes." Commander Stanton said, as he walks by.

"Running a little behind today aren't you?" Mike said, as he follows him.

Me and Kendrix chuckled.


Hi, I should probably introduce myself. My name is Angelo Morgan. I'm an Alien.

Well, you can't really tell, because I look exactly like a human. This is because I can change my appearance. You see the right side of my body, have little bits of gold around it, making it very obvious that I'm not a human.

They only began to appear when I was ten. At the time I was very confused, and scared. But soon I found out, I was able to hide it.

My sister Kendrix and I are pretty much inseparable. We would almost do everything together. We also became a science officer at the same time.

The only other person who knows I'm not human is Kendrix, I plan to tell the others one day, but not yet. Not sure how they'll react.

One of the reasons why I became a science officer, is because I want to find out what kind of species am I. So far, no luck.


Me, Kendrix and Kai were in the area where people from Earth came onto. Suddenly a guy bumps into me, and I fell and I dropped my bag.

"I'm sorry." The guy said, and he held his hand out to me.

"It's no problem." I said, as I grabs onto his arm, and he lifts me up. "Thanks." I said, and we stare at each other for a bit.

"You have to be more careful." Kai said, in between us.

"You alright?" Kendrix asks me, and I nodded my head.

"Let me help you." The guy said, he went to grab my bag, he stood up, hands it to Kai, and left hurriedly.

Suddenly two security guards appeared next to us.

"Did you see a guy come through here? About this tall with a red shirt?" One of the guards asks.

"What did he do?" Kendrix asks.

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