Chapter Ten: The Sunflower Search

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Magna and I appeared where Fishface and some Stingwingers are.

"The Lights of Orion, will finally be ours! And Scorpius will rule the universe!" Fishface said, he was holding a sack. Magna and I fired at his hand, making him drop the sack.

"Fishface! I believe we have some unfinished business!" Magna said. "wait, what kind of unfinished business?" I asked, but was left unanswered. "Get them!" Fishface said, holding the sack.

Magna and I attacked the incoming Stingwingers. "The only thing I'll finish was destroying you!" Fishface said to Magna. "I have waited a long time for this day!" Magna said. "Yeah! About three thousands years or so!" Fishface said. "Whoa, that long?" I asked, looking at Magna. "How old are you exactly?" I asked.

"It's none of your concern." Magna told me. "Let's get to the point!" Fishface said, holding his sword. "Silver, you stay out of this!" Magna said to me.

"Seriously? why do you get to have all the fun?" I questioned, he just looks at me. I sighed. "Fine." I said, and stood at the side.

[Angelo Morgan]

The six of us appeared Morphed, we saw the monsters surrounding Magna Defender. Silver Guardian was standing at the side, looking bored. There were civilians still hiding.

"Oh no! There are civilians over there!" Maya exclaimed. "We gotta help them!" Kai said. "Guys! I've got an idea!" Leo said. "What is it?" I asked. "You'll see!" Leo told me.

"Hey, Fishface!" Leo shouted, he went to attack Fishface with his Quasar Saber. The rest of us went to attack Fishface.

"Stay out of this, Rangers!" Magna Defender said. "Yeah, trust me you don't want to get on Magna's bad side." Silver told us.

Maya was attacked, and she fell. The six of us regrouped. "I thank you for joining us, Rangers! Now, I can get rid of all of you!" Fishface said. "We'll see about that!" Maya said.

"Quasar Launchers! Lock On!" Leo shouted. We got out our Quasar Launchers. "Energy Launch!" He shouted, and we fired at him. But our attacks were deflected. "What?" Leo exclaimed. "Nice try!" Fishface said, he attacked us with smoke from his sack, and we fell.

"Don't mess with the fish!" Fishface said, he was about to run away until Magna Defender stopped him.


"Magna Blaster!" Magna shouted, he fired at Fishface who dodges.

Fishface rolled in front of the civilians. "No!" I exclaimed. Magna charged up his blaster. I flew in front of some of the unprotected civilians, I took the hit and fell.

"You gotta stop!" Leo shouted, trying to stop Magna. "There are innocent people over there!" He said. "Get off!" Magna said, he pushed Leo away. He continue firing at Fishface, hitting the buildings around.

The civilians screamed, as debris fell on them.

[Angelo Morgan]

Kai and Damon tried to stop Magna Defender, only to be pushed away towards the rest of us.

Fishface attacked the Sunflower Statue, only to find nothing. He left, while Magna Defender tried to went after him.

"Come on, you guys! We've gotta help those people!" Kai said. Him, Damon, Kendrix and I ran towards the civilians, and Silver. "Are you all right?" I asked Silver. "It hurts, but I'll heal." Silver said.

Suddenly I saw flashes, a town made of gold, a father, a mother, and their newborn son in the mother's arm, and an older son next to them. "What was that?" I asked myself. "You're a Goldinix, too." Silver said. "What?" I asked, looking down at him. "Could that mean you're-" Silver stopped himself. "No, you can't be." He said, shaking his head, and tried to stand back up.

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