Chapter Three: Race to the Rescue

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[Angelo Morgan]

Kai, Kendrix and I were still in the station, the three of us were contacting Leo, Damon and Maya.

The three of us were making sure no one was listening in. "You can't just take off." Kai said, "We've got to conduct standard systems check, we gotta finish charging the hyper accelerator. There are procedures." He stated. "He's right, Leo." Kendrix added.

"What's that? I can't hear you, you're breaking up." Leo said. "At least, be careful." I said. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to come back for you, Angelo." Leo said, and the screen went off. I blushed a bit. "Oh, so you can heard him but not us?" Kai questioned, after the screen was off.

Kai and Kendrix looks back at me. Kai has an unamused look, while Kendrix was smirking.

I look at the two of them, "What?" I shrugged, "Better for them to return safely, than not at all." I said.


Kai, Kendrix and I appeared Morphed, the three of us got to where the others were, and we kicked Radster making him fall.

"Oh, baby. Oh, baby." Radster said, he stood back up with the Stingwingers supporting him.

"Thought you could use some help." Kai said, the six of us regrouped. "We're fine, but these guys will need some lessons and manners. Quasar Sabers!" He shouted, and the six of us got out our Quasar Sabers. "Let's do it!" I shouted, and all of us begin fighting the monsters.

I jumped over a few Stingwingers, and landed in the middle. I did a sweep kick, making them fall. I used my Quasar Saber and attacked them, like how I would with a Rapier.

Maya attacked Radster. "We've gotta cut the chain, and free them!" She said. "You got first!" Leo told her.

Maya jumped towards one of the chains, and cuts it. The first cage opens.

Leo cuts the second one. The second cage opens.

"Kai, go!" Kendrix shouted. Kai cuts the third one. The third cage opens.

Damon attacked some Stingwingers, "Kendrix!" He shouted. "I got it!" Kendrix shouted, she cuts the fourth chain. The fourth cage opens.

"Next!" Maya said. Damon cuts the fifth chain. The fifth cage opens.

"Go for it, Angelo!" Leo shouted, he atatcked some Stingwingers. "You got it!" I shouted, and cuts the last chain. The last cage opens.

With all the cage opened, Seven Galactabeasts came out. Turns out, one of the cages holds two Galactabeasts, the White Tiger and Silver Eagle.

Red Lion
Blue Gorilla
Green Condor
Yellow Wolf
Pink Wildcat
White Tiger
Silver Eagle

Radster and the Stingwingers ran away. "And don't come back! Well, that takes care of them." Leo said, he sheathed his Quasar Saber.

The six of us went towards the Galactabeasts. "I can't believe what I'm seeing!" Leo said. The six of us looks at the Seven Galactabeasts. "Wow!" Kendrix said. "Man, they're amazing!" Kai said. "Awesome!" I said. "You think they're gonna eat us?" Damon asked, he hid behind Maya. Maya elbowed his stomach, "Nothing to worry about." She reassured.

The Red Lion Galactabeast roared. "We know." Maya said, walking in front. "You understand them?" Leo asked. The White Tiger roared. "What did he say?" I asked, standing next to Leo. "Thanks for rescuing them, and someday they'll return the favor." Maya translated.

"Well, I'm glad to have them at our side." Leo said. "Me too." I said.

We watch as the Seven Galactabeasts disappeared.

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