Chapter Five: Homesick

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A/N: Slight Changes were done. I forgot about Angelo originally being the White Ranger at first. So I changed the Gold Tiger from previous Chapters to White Tiger.

[Angelo Morgan]

The six of us were Morphed, as we appeared where Gasser is.

"Hold it right there, Gasser!" Kendrix said. "Power Rangers! I'm glad you decided to show up!" Gasser said, he sprayed a gas at us, and we dodged it.

"Quasar Sabers!" Leo shouted, the six of us got out our Quasar Sabers. gasser sprayed us with gas again, and the six of us coughed violently.


"Fire/Light Power!" Leo and I shouted. The both of us attack Gasser, with our elemental powers shooting out of our hands.

Gasser was knocked back, but he stood back up. "Nice try, but it's gonna take more than a couple of coordinated teenagers to stop the gasser!" Gasser said, he jumped away.

"Rangers! Furio's attacking the command tower, but I have somethign to help you stop him!" Alpha told us. "All right, we're on our way, Alpha!" Leo said.


The six of us got to the area where Alpha is.

"Alpha, you said you have something good." Kai said, the six of us got to Alpha, "Rangers, these are the Jet Jammers!" Alpha said, he shows us the Jet Jammers, "Since Furio is stuck in the elevator, they're the only other way to the command tower!" He told us.

"Alpha, you're a genius!" Leo said, we went towards the Jet Jammers. "D.E.C.A. and I just completed building them for you." Alpha told us. The six of us got onto our Jet Jammers.

"Please, be careful." Alpha told us.

"We will." Kai said.

"Don't worry, Alpha." Leo said.

"We have our seatbelts on." I said.

"We'll let you know how they perform." Kendrix said.

"Let's jam!" Damon said. "Thruster Online!" He said, the six of us starts the thrusters. "Opening docking bay!" Leo said, and the docking bay opened. "Ready guys?" He asked.

The six of us flew out of the docking bay on our Jet Jammers.

"All right, let's get to the command tower!" Leo said. "Stingwingers!" I warned, the six of us dodged the incoming Stingwingers. The six of us grouped up. "Let's see what these things can do!" Leo said. "Right!" The rest of us agreed.

The six of us separated, and destroyed the Stingwingers with our Jet Jammers. Leo shot down two Stingwingers. "Awesome!" I said. "Good job!" Kendrix said. "Yeah!" Maya said. "Thanks guys, all right there's the control tower! Let's bring them in!" Leo said.

The six of us went towards the control tower.


The six of us arrived at the command center.

"Oh no, the gas got in here too!" Damon exclaimed, him and Maya went towards Command Stanton who was on the floor. "Commander Stanton! They're all asleep!" Maya said.

Damon went towards Matthew and called his name. "I tried to stop them from taking over." Matthew tiredly said. "Don't worry, you did a great job." Damon told Matthew.


The six of us were outside. Leo fought against Gasser, but was knocked back.

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